FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 03/03 - GUATEMALA (14 February)

GUATEMALA (14 February)

Harvesting of the 2002/03 second season coarse grain and bean crops has been completed. Production of maize, the main cereal, is provisionally estimated at 1.1 million tonnes, some 4 per cent above the average of the past 5 years. An average sorghum output has also been collected. Food assistance from the international community continues to be provided to rural families in some areas in the west, whose first season crops in 2002 were severely affected by adverse weather. Food assistance is also delivered to thousands of workers who have lost their jobs in coffee plantations as a result of the international price crisis which is still severely affecting the sector. Cases of serious malnutrition among children are reported.

Wheat imports in marketing year 2002/03 (November/October) are forecast at 540 000 tonnes, slightly above the previous year’s volume of 510 000 tonnes. Maize imports in marketing year 2002/03 (July/June) are expected to be 590 000 tonnes, slightly less than the imports during the year before.