FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 03/03 - HAITI (14 February)

HAITI (14 February)

Harvest of the 2002/03 second season cereal crops has been completed while planting of the irrigated paddy crop has only started. Land is also being prepared for planting of the rainfed maize and paddy crop beginning March. A below-average maize and paddy production was obtained in 2002. Drought followed by heavy rains and flooding affected the crops throughout the first part of the year, resulting in crop failures in various localities of the Département de la Grand’Anse and the Département du Sud. Food is reported to be scarce in the affected areas and prices of certain food items have sharply risen. The food situation is also reported difficult in the Département of the Nord-Ouest, the most drought affected area in the country. Food assistance from the international community is being distributed and is likely to continue in the months ahead.

Wheat imports in 2002/03 marketing year (July/June) are expected to be about 295 000 tonnes, slightly above the previous year’s volume. Imports of rice in 2003 are forecast at 230 000 tonnes.