FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 03/03 - KENYA* (19 February)

KENYA* (19 February)

Prospects for the 2002/03 secondary "short rains" cereal crop which is being harvested have improved due to favourable rains late last year. This crop provides the main source of food in parts of Central and Eastern provinces and accounts for some 15 percent of the country’s annual production. Recent official forecasts indicate a maize output of about 450 000 tonnes which is about average for the secondary season. The output of the 2002 main "long rains" cereal crop, harvested late last year, was estimated at about 1.89 million tonnes compared to 2.32 million tonnes in 2001.

Favourable rainfall in several previously drought-affected pastoral areas improved overall food supply prospects. However, food difficulties are reported in Baringo, parts of Marsabit, West Pokot, Turkana and Mandera Districts.