FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 03/03 - MOROCCO (18 February)

MOROCCO (18 February)

Normal to above-normal rains since December are reported for most of the growing areas, with the exception of some parts in the east and south-east of the country. Water reservoir levels are considered adequate although some low levels are reported in the dry areas. Planting of the winter cereals has been completed for harvesting from May, while sowing of the 2003 maize crop is underway. Above-average plantings of wheat and barley are provisionally estimated. Early forecasts point out to satisfactory outputs in 2003, similar to those in 2002 when aggregate cereal production was almost 25 per cent above the past 5-year average.

Imports of wheat in 2002/03 (July/June) are expected to decline by some 100 000 tonnes from the 3 million tonnes imported in marketing year 2001/02 (July/June), mainly as a result of the increase in production in 2002 compared to 2001. Maize imports are forecast to remain about the same level of 800 000 tonnes of the previous year. Imports of barley should decline from 700 000 tonnes to 500 000 tonnes reflecting a significant increase in production in 2002.