FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 03/03 - SENEGAL (21 February)

SENEGAL (21 February)

Seasonably dry conditions prevail. Final 2002 production figures have been released by the government and are significantly lower than the estimates of the joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission in October 2002 which estimated an average harvest. The aggregate output of cereals is now estimated at some 776 800 tonnes, 16 percent less than the average for the previous five years.

A joint FAO/CILSS follow-up mission that visited the country recently observed that local cereal prices which increased steeply over the last marketing year are still at the same high level, reflecting the poor harvest of 2002 in Senegal as well as in the whole western Sahel region. These high local cereal prices make access to food difficult to many households especially in rural areas.

Following this reduced crop and the tight food situation, the Government released CFA 15 billion (US$ 23 million) in August 2002, which allowed the distribution of about 54 000 tonnes of rice to rural affected people. FAO and WFP launched in mid-December a regional EMOP for the 5 countries of western Sahel most affected by the 2002 drought. The Emergency Operation includes the allocation of 2 999 tonnes of food to 23 300 most affected people in Senegal. However, very few pledges have been received to date.