FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 03/03 - SIERRA LEONE* (20 February)

SIERRA LEONE* (20 February)

Cereal production in 2002 is estimated at some 417 000 tonnes, 20 percent above last year’s level. This increase reflects an improved security situation, increased plantings by returning refugees and farmers previously displaced, as well as comparatively improved conditions for the distribution of agricultural inputs.

The humanitarian situation in the country has improved significantly following the declaration of the end of the war: In 2002, over 100 000 Sierra Leonean refugee returnees and 124 000 IDPs resettled to their home areas. However, the renewed conflict in Liberia has caused at least 40 000 Liberians to cross into the country in 2002. Following an upsurge of hostilities between Liberian Government troops and rebels in early February, thousands of new displaced Liberians streamed into the country.