FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 03/03 - SOMALIA* (28 February)

SOMALIA* (28 February)

Harvesting of the 2002/03 secondary "deyr" season cereal crop, which normally accounts for 25 to 30 percent of annual cereal production, is almost complete. The outlook has generally improved with good rains in major growing areas.

A recent report from the Food Security Assessment Unit (FSAU) indicated that the good deyr season may reverse earlier predictions of a poor food security situation in Hiran. The area under production is above normal and yields are expected to be good. Livestock condition has also improved. However, the longer term food security issues (poverty, low income levels, difficulties accessing food) remain. Similarly, Gedo region, which has been food insecure for several consecutive years due to inadequate rainfall, is now experiencing a period of some recovery. The effect of the dry "jilaal" season, which has just started, on poorer households is still cause for some concern. During January WFP distributed more than 900 tonnes of food, mainly in the form of Food for Work in several parts of the country.