FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops and Shortages  - 03/03 - SRI LANKA (18 February)

SRI LANKA (18 February)

Maha season paddy crop planted in October-November will be harvested in March and April 2003. Early indications point to a bumper harvest of nearly 2 million tonnes, or about 15 percent higher than the 2002 Maha output. The continuing peace process enabled cultivation of more lands and transportation of seed, fertilizer and other inputs particularly in the north and the east, the conflict affected areas of the country. Above-average rainfall since October 2002 also benefited the current paddy crop. The Maha crop generally accounts for about two-thirds of annual rice output. The second rice planting of “Yala season” begins in April-May.

Maha season maize to be harvested in February-March 2003 is expected to be better than average level of about 30 000 tonnes.

Last local media report dated 19/12/2002 indicated that torrential rains forced almost 100 000 families from their homes and disrupted transport in northern and eastern areas. The United Nations Needs Assessment Phase II is currently underway primarily in the conflict affected areas of the north and the east of the island. The UN consolidated appeals projects aimed at reconstruction and rehabilitation of agriculture and other sectors of the economy are to be presented at a donor conference in Japan in June 2003.