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This document contains the report and papers of the seventh FAO Expert Consultation on Fish Technology in Africa. The Consultation was held in Saly-Mbour, Senegal, from 10 to 13 December 2001. It was attended by 18 experts who reviewed progress and problems in post-harvest fish utilization with particular attention to fresh fish, fish processing, quality assurance, and marketing and socio-economic issues. The issues were introduced through:

In the discussions a number of recommendations were made. These were noted by the secretariat and discussed, amended and adopted by the experts in the final session. The recommendations are made to FAO, its member countries and to all institutes, institutions and persons interested or involved in fish utilization in Africa.

The Consultation was organized by the Fish Utilization and Marketing Service (FIIU) of FAO's Fishery Industries Division in collaboration with the Food Technology Institute (ITA) in Senegal and the FAO Regional Office for Africa. The Consultation was funded by the Regular Programme of FAO (Fishery Industries Division and FAO Regional Office for Africa).

The report and papers have been edited for publication by Mr Joseph Ndenn in collaboration with Mr Frans Teutscher, FIIU retiree, and Dr Yvette Diei-Ouadi, Fishery Industry Officer, FIIU. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


FAO Fisheries Department
FAO Regional and Subregional Fishery Officers
Selected FAO field projects (Africa)
Participating experts
Fisheries Directors (Africa)/
Selected research institutes on fish technology

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