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ABARE – Jaakko Pöyry. 1999. Global Outlook for Plantations. Series Global Outlook for Plantations. ABARE, Canberra, Australia. 99 pp.

Balsiger, J., Bahdon, J. & Whiteman, A. 2000. Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study: The Utilization, processing and demand for Rubberwood as a source of wood supply. FAO Working Paper Series AFFSOS/WP/50.

Carle, J., Vuorinen, P. & Del Lungo, A. 2002. Status and trends in global forest plantation development. Forest Products Journal 52(7/8): 12-23.

Carle, J. & Holmgren, P. 2003. Definitions related to planted forests. Paper presented at the UNFF Inter-sessional Expert Meeting International Steering Group on "The Role of Planted Forests in Sustainable Forest Management. Maximising planted forests' contribution to SFM", Wellington, New Zealand, March 2003. 14 pp.

CCFM. 2002. Compedium of Canadian Forestry Statistics. Series Compedium of Canadian Forestry Statistics. Canadian Council of Forest Ministers.

Evans, J. 1982. Plantation forestry in the tropics. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 472 pp. ISBN 0-19-859464-X.

FAO. 1967. World Symposium on Man-Made Forests and their Industrial Importance. Unasylva 21(86-87).

FAO. 1981. Forest Resources of Tropical Africa, Tropical Forest Resources Assessment Project (in the framework of GEMS). Series Forest Resources of Tropical Africa, Tropical Forest Resources Assessment Project (in the framework of GEMS) Technical Report 2, UN 32/6.1301-78-04. FAO, Rome, Italy. 586 pp.

FAO. 1981b. Forest Resources of Tropical Asia, Tropical Forest Resources Assessment Project. Series Forest Resources of Tropical Asia, Tropical Forest Resources Assessment Project Technical Report 3, UN 32/6.1301-78-04. FAO, Rome, Italy. 475 pp.

FAO. 1981c. Los Recursos Forestales de la América Tropical, Proyecto de evaluación de los Recursos Forestales Tropicales (en el marco del SINUVIMA). informe técnico 1. UN 32/6.1301-78-04. FAO, Rome, Italy. 343 pp.

FAO. 1995a. Forest Resources Assessment 1990 - Global Synthesis. Series Forest Resources Assessment 1990 - Global Synthesis FAO Forestry Paper 124. FAO, Rome, Italy. 44 pp.

FAO. 1995b. Forest Resources Assessment 1990. Tropical forest plantation resources by Devendra Pandey. Series Forest Resources Assessment 1990. Tropical forest plantation resources by Devendra Pandey FAO Forestry Paper 128. FAO, Rome, Italy. 81 pp.

FAO. 1997a. In-Depth Country Study - New Zealand: Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study Working Paper Series by C. Brown. Series In-Depth Country Study - New Zealand: Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study Working Paper Series by C. Brown APFSOS/WP/05. FAO, Rome, Italy. 54 pp.

FAO. 1997b. State of the World's Forests. Series State of the World's Forests. FAO, Rome, Italy. 200 pp.

FAO. 1998. Global forest products consumption, production, trade and prices: global forest products model projections to 2010 by S. Zhu, D. Tomberlin and J. Buongiorno. GFPOS/WP/01. FAO, Rome, Italy.

FAO. 1999. State of the World's Forests. Series State of the World's Forests. FAO, Rome, Italy. 154 pp.

FAO. 2000. The global outlook for future wood supply from forest plantations by C. Brown. GFPOS/WP/03. 146 pp.

FAO. 2001a. Forest plantation resources, FAO data-sets 1980, 1990, 1995 and 2000. Based on the work of A. Del Lungo. Forest Plantation Thematic Papers, Working Paper, Forest Resources Development Service, Forest Resources Division. FAO, Rome 14. 40 pp.

FAO. 2001b. Global forest resources assessment 2000. Main report. FAO Forestry Paper 140. 479 pp.

FAO. 2002a. Expert meeting on harmonizing forest-related definitions for use of various stakeholders. Series Expert meeting on harmonizing forest-related definitions for use of various stakeholders. ICPP, FAO, Rome, Italy. 193 pp.

FAO. 2002b. Second expert meeting on harmonizing forest-related definitions for use of various stakeholders. Series Second expert meeting on harmonizing forest-related definitions for use of various stakeholders. FAO, Rome, Italy. 354 pp.

FAO. 2002c. Tropical forest plantation areas 1995 data set by D. Pandey. Forest Plantation Thematic Papers, Working Paper, Forest Resources Development Service, Forest Resources Division. FAO, Rome (unpublished) 18. 55 pp.

Fung, L.E. 1994. A literature review of Cunninghamia lanceolata. Commonwealth Forestry Review 73(3): 172-192.

Gaston, C., Ciohen, D. & Fell, D. 2000. Wood market trends. Japan. Series Wood market trends. Japan. Forintek Canada Corp., Forest Renewal BC, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service. 32 pp.

Hermann, R.K. & Lavender, D.P. 1999. Douglas-fir planted forests. New Forests. Special issue on Planted Forests: Contributions to the Quest for Sustainable Societies 17(1-3): 53-70.

IRSG. 1966. World rubber statistics. Historic handbook 1900-1960 including Appendix with data back to 1822. Series World rubber statistics. Historic handbook 1900-1960 including Appendix with data back to 1822. International Rubber Study Group, Wembley, UK. 79 pp.

IRSG. 1995. World rubber statistics handbook 1975-1995. Series World rubber statistics handbook 1975-1995. International Rubber Study Group, Wembley, UK. 71 pp.

IRSG. 2002. Area under plantation rubber. Rubber Statistical Bulletin 56(8): p. 44.

ISI ResearchSoft. 2000. EndNote, Windows version 4.0, Berkeley, CA. 445 pp.

Microsoft. Access 1997 software

Microsoft. Access 2000 software

Microsoft. Windows 2000 platform

Pandey, D. & Ball, J. 1998. The role of industrial plantations in future global fiber supplies. Unasylva 49(193): 37-43.

Parviainen, J. 1998. How close to nature should silviculture in Europe develop? Finnish Forest Research Institute, Research Papers 714: 7-19.

Tomberlin, D. & Buongiorno, J. 2001. Timber Plantations, Timber Supply and Forest Conservation. In: Palo, M., Uusivuori, J. & Mery, G. (eds.). World Forests, Markets and Policies World Forests, Volume III. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 85-94.

Wadsworth, F.H. 1997. Forest production for Tropical America. United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Handbook 710. 563 pp.

Webb, D.B., Wood, P.J., Smith, J.P. & Henman, G.S. 1984. A guide to species selection for tropical and sub-tropical plantations. Tropical Forestry Papers 15. Unit of Tropical Silviculture, Commonwealth Forestry Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. 256 pp. ISBN 0-85074-0681.

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