FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.2 - July 2003 p.24

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Aggregate 2002 cereal production is estimated at some 1.38 million tonnes, 19 percent lower than average, reflecting mainly the impact of armed conflict that forced many farmers to leave their land and disrupted economic activities. Importation of 1.18 million tonnes of cereals will be necessary to meet the country's needs. Normally, about 1.15 million tonnes are commercially imported, but in view of the continuing conflict, commercial imports may drop this year, leading to higher needs for external food assistance.

 WheatRiceCoarse GrainsTotal Cereals
 [thousand tonnes]
Previous year production-1 0557301 785
Previous five years average production-9717401 711
Previous year imports2701 04071 317
Previous five years average imports28779891 094
2003 Domestic Availability55416121 158
2002 Production (rice in paddy terms)-8185601 378
2002 Production (rice in milled terms)-4915601 051
Possible stock drawdown55052107
2003 Utilization2751 4416192 335
Food use2701 2684531 991
Non-food use5123161288
Exports or re-exports-50555
Possible stock build up----
2003 Import Requirement27090071 177
Anticipated commercial imports27088051 155
of which: received or contracted-447-447
Food aid needs-20222
Current Aid Position    
Food aid pledges-1-1
of which: delivered-1-1
Donor-financed purchases--44
of which: for local use--44
for export----
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/year)178129128
2002 Prod. compared to average (rice paddy terms)-847681
2003 Import requirement compared to average9411378108
Cereal share of total calorie intake   41
Additional Information    
Major foodcropsroots; tubers; fruit; rice; maize
Lean seasonApril-July
Population (000s)15 594   
GNP per capita in 2001 (US$)630   


FAO/GIEWS - July 2003

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