FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.2 - July 2003 p.30

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The 2002 cereal production figures released by the Government are significantly lower than the estimates of the joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission in October 2002 which indicated an average harvest. Thus, aggregate output of cereals has been revised down to some 139 000 tonnes, 30 percent less than last year and 7 percent below average.

Cereal import requirements for marketing year 2002/03 (November/October) are estimated at some 142 000 tonnes, anticipated to be covered commercially.

 WheatRiceCoarse GrainsTotal Cereals
 [thousand tonnes]
Previous year production-36163199
Previous five years average production-30120150
Previous year imports391082149
Previous five years average imports45892136
2002/03 Domestic Availability-13135149
2002 Production (rice in paddy terms)-20118139
2002 Production (rice in milled terms)-13118132
Possible stock drawdown--1717
2002/03 Utilization40113138291
Food use24100117242
Non-food use132024
Exports or re-exports1510-25
Possible stock build up----
2002/03 Import Requirement401002142
Anticipated commercial imports40961137
of which: received or contracted-7-7
Food aid needs-415
Current Aid Position    
Food aid pledges-112
of which: delivered-112
Donor-financed purchases----
of which: for local use----
for export----
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/year)166980166
2002 Prod. compared to average (rice paddy terms)-689993
2002/03 Import requirement compared to average89112123105
Cereal share of total calorie intake   55
Additional Information    
Major foodcropsrice; millet; sorghum
Lean seasonJuly-September
Population (000s)1 460   
GNP per capita in 2001 (US$)320   

FAO/GIEWS - July 2003

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