FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.2 - July 2003 p.53

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Based on an estimated domestic cereal availability of about 4.44 million tonnes and total utilization requirement of about 5.56 million tonnes, the total cereal import requirement in 2002/03 (November/October) is estimated at 1.12 million tonnes, mostly wheat. With commercial imports anticipated at 930�000 tonnes, the food aid requirement amounts to 190�000 tonnes. As of end June, food aid pledges stood at 98�000 tonnes of which 86�000 had been delivered.

WheatRiceCoarse GrainsTotal Cereals
[thousand tonnes]
Previous year production247185 0875 352
Previous five years average production30684 0774 391
Previous year imports1 11833781 229
Previous five years average imports90336991 038
2002/03 Domestic Availability326134 1044 443
2002 Production (rice in paddy terms)296203 4943 810
2002 Production (rice in milled terms)296133 4943 803
Possible stock drawdown30-610640
2002/03 Utilization1 326434 1945 563
Food use1 295423 5404 877
Non-food use311564596
Exports or re-exports--9090
Possible stock build up----
2002/03 Import Requirement1 00030901 120
Anticipated commercial imports90030-930
of which: received or contracted10319-122
Food aid needs100-90190
Current Aid Position
Food aid pledges36-6298
of which: delivered25-6186
Donor-financed purchases--2121
of which: for local use--2121
for export----
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/year)381105145
2002 Prod. compared to average (rice paddy terms)972508687
2002/03 Import requirement compared to average1118391108
Cereal share of total calorie intake56
Additional Information
Major foodcropssorghum; millet;swheat; roots; tubers; oils
Lean seasonSeptember-October
Population (000s)33 697
GNP per capita in 2001 (US$)340

FAO/GIEWS�-�July 2003

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