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Production of freshwater fish is a major branch of European aquaculture, but the products have a relatively low market value in relation to production costs and producers’ profit margins are low. Moreover, market demand for freshwater species, other than trout and carp, is currently rather limited throughout Europe.

The main marketing problems associated with freshwater aquaculture products include low prices, lack of reliable commercial information, a limited product range, based on a small number of species and products (not always adapted to modern market requirements), difficulties in diversification, and lack of promotion. Significant growth of market demand for freshwater fish in the EIFAC region in the near future seems unlikely, unless initiatives are taken to change current trends. Future developments must be considered in an international strategic context.

The ad hoc EIFAC/EC Working Party on Market Perspectives for European Freshwater Aquaculture was called to address these issues with particular focus on visions and scenarios for the market and production potential of the freshwater aquaculture sector in the EIFAC region. The outcome of the workshop aims to provide key information and strategic advice to (i) policy makers, administrators and legislators; (ii) future investors; (iii) consumers, and, particularly, (iv) producers. The Agenda of the Workshop and the List of Participants are attached as Appendix 1 and 2, respectively.

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