Wood Energy Planning

Building Capacities in Asia

March 1998

by Conrado S. Heruela
Wood Energy Planning Expert, RWEDP

In the past years RWEDP focused on regional training activities to develop capacities of its 16 member countries in wood energy data and planning. During this period, RWEDP has compiled, assessed and analyzed secondary data to come up with a base case scenario of the consumption and supply of wood energy for the region and the 16 member countries in the future.

The paper discusses the experiences and problems RWEDP faced in implementing the regional training courses. It also describes the approach and techniques RWEDP uses in the compilation, assessment and analysis of secondary wood energy data to come up with a scenario for wood energy supply and use. The paper identifies both the potentials and the limitations of such efforts towards improving capacity in wood energy data and planning in the region. The paper then describes the activities on which RWEDP focuses to maximize impacts of its efforts to develop national capacities. These activities include the conduct of follow-up national training courses and on-the-job case studies in wood energy data collection and planning. It also discusses what RWEDP aims to achieve in the remaining years of the project. Finally, the paper identifies which follow-up activities are needed to encourage countries to continue their capacity building efforts until they have institutionalized the conditions for wood energy data collection and planning. This paper was prepared for the International Energy Agency (IEA) Workshop on 'Biomass Energy: Data, Analysis and Trends', organised in Paris from 23 to 24 March 1998.

 Table of Contents
2.Wood Energy Data Collection and Organization
3.Integrating Wood into Energy Planning
4.Building National Capacity for Wood Energy Planning: beyond RWEDP

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