Stoves on the Carbon Market

October, 1999

by Dr. W.S. Hulscher
Chief Technical Adviser, RWEDP

It is explored how programmes for introducing (improved) woodstoves can be justified in terms of greenhouse gas reduction at competitive cost. The discussion is put in the context of real life observations in Asia and alternative justifications for stove programmes. A few options for putting stoves on the international 'carbon market' are briefly analysed. Tentative results show that a stove project could well result in reduction of CO2 emission at a cost of less than 2 US$/ton.

 Table of Contents
History of Stove Promotion
Present Stove Situation
Common Misconceptions About Wood Energy
Justification of Stove Programmes
Cases on Stoves for Greenhouse Mitigation
Discussion of Options
Outline of a Stove Project for the Carbon Market

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