



The aggregate method of processing logs and bars for saw-timbers and technological chips sold on chipper edgers promotes creation wasteless of technology and automation of productions of formation of section of saw-timbers.

The author analyses a condition and tendencies of perfection typical Russian and foreign of chipper edgers.

Despite of huge advantages of chippers edgers, a scientific and technical problem requiring the decision, is the raised charge raw and power resources in manufacture of saw-timbers and technological chips in comparison with traditional of sawmill equipment and best samples foreign of chippers edgers.

The author offers a number of new directions on perfection of chipper edgers.

The experience of the advanced enterprises has shown [1], that the introduction chipper edgers allow:

The aggregate method of processing logs and bars sold on chipper edgers promotes creation wasteless of technology and automation of productions of formation of section of saw-timbers [2].

The author analyses a condition and tendencies of perfection typical domestic (in Russia) and foreign of chipper edgers [3].

In a fig. 1-3 the basic specific parameters of a number of domestic and foreign lines are submitted.

The attitudes of specific parameters of various types of lines - chipper edgers (CEL), aggregate processing logs (LAPL), chipper-canters (CCL) the following:

2,27 and 3,41 - accordingly specific metal consumption in kilogram on м3 of the produced saw-timbers of a line CEL "LFP-2/3" (Russia) is more - CEL «LINCK» (Germany), and the lines LAPL "GCBD" (Russia) are more - LAPL "R200" (Finland).

As shows the comparative analysis, the specific parameters of Russian chipper edgers considerably concede to the best samples foreign of the equipment.

It was not possible to ensure serial manufacture and introduction of CEL "LFP-2/3" with a rather wide range diameters of logs (top diameter - 10 ... 24 см), though skilled and head samples of lines have passed industrial approbation, were modified in view of the revealed remarks and are recommended for serial manufacture and introduction [4]. By the reasons of failure were significant metal consumption and cost of a equipment, its constructive defect in a number of cutting and giving units, control system.

The introduction of serial Russian development (lines CCL and LAPL) restrains by their narrow area of application (is processed only small-dimension of logs with top diameter dt = 10 ... 18 cm), raised charge of raw resources at processing the large boundary diameters logs (dt = 16 ... 18 cm) in comparison with traditional sawmill by flows. The impossibility of reception of lateral boards on the first pass of a line CCL serves the reason of losses in a volumetric output of saw-timbers on 4-8 % at processing of logs dt = 16 ... 18 cm in comparison with processing on sawmill flows. Though at a share of raw material in the cost price 65-70 % the specified decrease of volumetric output of saw-timbers is compensated by growth of productivity chipper edgers [5] nevertheless, it can be avoided at the expense of perfection of the equipment.

Thus, despite of huge advantages of chippers edgers, a scientific and technical problem requiring the decision, is the raised charge raw and power resources in manufacture of saw-timbers and technological chips in comparison with traditional of sawmill equipment and best samples foreign of chippers edgers.

By the author on the basis of large volume theoretical and experimental researches, is skilled - design of operating time a number of directions under the decision of the specified problem is offered. To them concern application of the technical decisions having urgency, novelty and practical importance (patents of Russian Federation №№: 1253775, 1782732, 1819211) [6]. To the basic directions of perfection the chipper edgers concern:

The introduction of the specified technical decisions in the industry sold within the framework of the specified directions, will ensure increase of a production efficiency, volumetric output of saw-timbers and technological chips, will lower power expenses and will expand area of application of chipper edgers.

As a prime measure of perfection of the Russian chipper edgers is the creation on base of a serially let out line CCL "CNIIMOD" of the simplified variant of a line CEL. The transformation in CEL at preservation of the majority of devices and making units CCL without change will require superinduce by two modules. On milling units CCL are established chip and saw units (first additional module), executed on twin-shaft to the circuits, with located coaxiality by circular saws and cylindrical mills (for sample of quarters on two-edged bars) [6], and before multirip round-saw the bench tool establishes one more additional module - chipper-canter [7]. The application in a line of a new design of a conic mill ensuring decrease of peak meanings of force of cutting and its large uniformity for an operation cycle of logs (of bars) (the patent of Russian Federation № 1782732) [8] is provided also.

The application simplified chipper edger of lines on base CCL at relative simplicity and low cost would allow effectively to process up to 75 % (in pieces or running meters) raw material at the enterprises of the European region and till 50-60% of raw material of east regions of the Russia.

The given development will ensure in comparison with CCL:


1. Taratin В.В. The basic directions of perfection sawmill of aggregates for manufacture of saw-timbers and technological chips // Low-wasted of technology of processing of wood and effective utilization of secondary raw material: Papers international scientific and technical conference. 6-7 September. - Moscow, 2000.- P.14,15.

2. Borovicov Е. М., Fefilov L. А., Chestacov V. V. Sawing on the aggregate equipment. - Moscow: Timber industry, 1985. -216 p.

3. Taratin V. V. Sawmill aggregates: a modern condition and tendencies of their perfection // Woodworking indastry. - 1998. - № 1. - С. 3-6.

4. Fefilov L.А., Taratin V.V., Borichev U.А. Etc. Configuration and technological modes sawmill of a flow on the basis of lines of models LFP-2 and ЛFP-3 // Collection scientific papers. Release 236 / MFEI - Processes of cutting, equipment and automation in woodworking. - Мoscow, 1991. - С. 27-34.

5. Kopeikin А.М. Prospects of development of technology sawing. - Moscow: Timber industry, 1989. - 104 p.

6. Taratin V.V. Directions of perfection aggregate sawmill of the equipment // Collection scientific papers / АSEU - Technological processes and equipment woodworking of manufactures. - Archangelsk, 1999. - P. 154-161.

7. Altemative technology of processing small-dimension of logs on the basis of modernized chipper-canter line: Informational the leaf. / Tara tin V.V. - Archangelsk: CNTI, 1998. - 4 p.

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1 Dr. Sc. (Engineering), Associated Professor, Vice-dean of Faculty Mechanical Technology of Wood, Archangelsk State Engineering University, Archangelsk, Russia