
Sundarbans: Bangladesh Mangroves: Looking for Indicators for Monitoring Biodiversity

Junaid K. Choudhury[1]


Use of indicators for monitoring the biodiversity health status of mangroves is an innovative approach, not only for Bangladesh mangroves, but also globally. Identification of true indicators for such a purpose needs long-term studies carried out over decades, but the use of experiences and observations is no less valuable in putting up a list of ‘initially identified indicators’ for the purpose. The use of this approach coupled with the field verification of their credibility by experts is tabled in this paper.


Bangladesh portion of Sundarbans is the largest productive contiguous mangrove forest in the world, located in the southwestern part of the country between latitudes 89000¢ and 89055¢ East and longitudes 21030¢ and 23030¢ North. This was declared as ‘Reserve Forest’ during 1875-76, and was placed under the Forest Department (FD) for management. Since then its area in Bangladesh has remained unchanged. At the advent of the British rule in India, Sundarbans was twice its current size, most of which is lost to agriculture and habitation. At present it extends over 577,356 hectares of which 175,724 hectares is water.

There are three Protected Areas in Sundarbans Reserved Forests (SRF), which constitute the core area of the World Heritage Site, inscribed in 1997. The total area of the World Heritage Site is about 1,400 km2, of which 490 km2 is water.

Management of SRF

Management of Sundarbans mangroves under written prescriptions through selection felling was initiated during 1893-94 under a ten-year management plan written by R. L. Heinig. W. F. Lloyd increased the felling cycle to 40 years during 1903-08. Sir Henry Farrington’s management plan, applied during 1906-12 enhanced girth limit for felling. F. Trafford prepared next management plan for the period 1912-32. S. J. Curtis formulated a detailed management plan for Sundarbans suggesting rotations, felling cycles and minimum exploitable girth for major species including "yield calculations". By 1937 it was realized that the existing infrastructure was not capable to adopt such elaborate prescriptions. S. Choudhury revised the plan, which was in force till 1960.

Forestal Forestry carried out a detailed scientific inventory of Sundarbans mangroves and published the report in 1960 which indicated that the average net merchantable volume from trees over 12.7 cm and above, was 53.62 M3 per hectare (Forestal 1960). Based on this inventory A. M. Choudhury prepared the management plan of Sundarbans for the period 1960-80.

The Overseas Development Administration of the United Kingdom conducted second detailed inventory of Sundarbans. The report published in 1985, clearly reflected depletion of the growing stock to the tune of 41.9 and 34 percent of stems per hectare in case of trees with DBH of 7.5 cm and above, for Sundri and Gewa respectively. The regeneration was reported satisfactory (Chowdhury et. al. 1994).

Canonizado and Hussain prepared an integrated forest management plan for Sundarbans in 1998. This management plan supposed to be implemented during 1998 to 2010, suggested a 20-year felling cycle. Annual Allowable Cut (AAC) of 54,000 M3 is prescribed including improvement felling and extraction of Top Dying Sundri (TDS). For Gewa, the AAC prescribed is 53,000 M3.

Since the government of Bangladesh extended the moratorium up to year 2005, this plan could not be implemented. The Khulna News Print Mills (KNM) has stopped Gewa extraction for the time being.

At present only Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) are being harvested, that too at a very small scale. Its harvest declined further in 2002, since the government enhanced the stumpage prices, reported to unreasonable.

Present Concerns

The SRF is internationally recognized as an important mangrove ecosystem of high biodiversity value. It is the most important remaining habitat, in the world, of the critically endangered Bengal Tiger (Panthera tigris tigris). A number of other large mammalians once abundant in Sundarbans have already become extinct, including the swamp deer (Cervus duvauceli), one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) and wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee). A recent study by IUCN found that currently 58 species of wildlife, indigenous to the Sundarbans, are threatened, of which 36 are either ‘endangered’ or ‘critically endangered’. Though a comprehensive threat analysis is yet to be carried out, Karim (1994) listed the following:

Besides these, the TDS, invasiveness of alien species, loss of biodiversity etc. deserve to receive due attention as concerns towards sustainability of SRF.

There are similar threats to the aquatic ecosystem of Sundarbans. The resultant impact of enhanced shrimp farming along Bangladesh coast has induced a very high demand on natural shrimp fries that exhibit better performance over the hatchery fries. This in turn generated the tremendous pressure on shrimp fry collection from the SRF waters, which has become a major concern now.

A brief preliminary field study undertaken by the author during June 2002 indicates alarmingly low proportion of sapling-size plants in SRF, though the regeneration is adequate. One of the major causes of such situation seems to be the excess and indiscriminate harvest of this size saplings by the shrimp fry collectors, mostly under FD permits, that they use for netting shrimp fries. A rough estimate indicated that these shrimp fry collectors alone chop off over one million such saplings, mostly good and straight looking ones, annually from SRF.

Biodiversity Concept

Biodiversity of natural resources is a new concept. The recent global emphasis on the conservation of germ plasm, coupled with the awareness on sustainability has generated this momentum on biodiversity and biodiversity conservation. IUCN’s red list and the contributions of Species Survival Commission (SSC) assisted in developing a tool to monitor biodiversity. Using the assumption that species status is broadly reflective of the status of biodiversity as a whole, the SSC, while still working on the issue, has so far suggested the following indices (Mainka, S. and McNeely, J. 2001).

The intention is to draw attention towards biodiversity trends.

Such momentum under the existing concerns of deforestation and biodiversity loss in SRF led to the launching of Sundarbans Biodiversity Conservation Project (SBCP) since year 2000, by Asian Development Bank (ADB) with financial assistance from the Royal Netherlands Government and the World Bank/the Global Environment Facility (GEF), with the ultimate goal of placing in position a complete sustainable and environment friendly forest management system for SRF to ensure biodiversity conservation as well.

Under such situation, IUCN The World Conservation Union, Bangladesh office has been entrusted with the task of developing a system for monitoring the biodiversity health status of SRF. IUCN Bangladesh has started the implementation of the ADB project since January 2002, which will end in December 2006.

IUCN’s approach in this regard is to build upon a logical step-by-step process of obtaining the information necessary to answer a series of questions in turn, which are

Why Monitor Biodiversity and How

Since the biodiversity loss is a concern in SRF and since the management plan to be adopted is expected to conserve and enhance biodiversity, it is necessary to evaluate its performance. Besides these such monitoring is expected to work as an early warning system for the managers to take measures to combat any probable future disaster.

Concept of Indicators

The conventional tool of assessing biodiversity involve large-scale inventory of the resources, both flora and fauna, which is forbid-ably expensive and almost an impossibility for a poor country like Bangladesh, especially when such activity is required once or twice a year. A reasonably good understanding of the ‘Ecosystem Dynamics’ of the resource and the ecological linkages between the various tires of its biological entities, shall help identify and establish, either some species by itself, or some parameters of a given species, to indicate the biodiversity health status of the given ecosystem or habitat or SRF at large.

That is the basic reason why we are looking for the “Indicators” that can be used for monitoring the biodiversity health status of Sundarbans.

Biodiversity Indicators from the Red List

Red List Program is expected to deliver the vision, goals and objectives as outlined above. Extensive consultations are being held to develop biodiversity indicators or indices from the IUCN Red List. The Red List Program is based on continuous monitoring of a selection of higher taxonomic groups that broadly cover and represent the full range of ecosystems. The Species Survival Commission (SSC) has started the process, which is expected to develop the indices for use by 2003.

Biodiversity Assessment

The biodiversity health assessment model that will be used to assess the biodiversity of SRF is an adaptation of the Pressure-State-Response model promoted by UNDP (Dumanski, J. and Pieri, C. 1994), including “Impact” as a fourth factor. The model identifies the following four main aspects.

IUCN Bangladesh will assess the health status of biodiversity of the SRF at different levels, such as species, ecosystem and habitat.

Biodiversity health assessment will focus on the overall habitat-mix, the macro-ecological setting, the man-made and natural pressures exerted and also the effects of global processes such as climate change and remote processes such as water pollution, sediment load etc.

Conventionally, species have been used in many biodiversity inventories as indicators to measure the health of an ecosystem. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis will indicate the key elements and for SRF focus will be on

IUCN, Bangladesh’s approach to achieve the above rationale is by applying

Seven expatriate and eight national experts, having previous experience on Sundarbans are being engaged to contribute during the project period. They will undertake several visits to Sundarbans, to study various aspects in the following areas.

Since the conservation of the invaluable biodiversity of Sundarbans mangroves, has been identified as one of the major goals of management of the resource, it is obligatory to assess the biodiversity health status at given intervals, not only for evaluating the impact of implementation of the given management prescriptions in this regard, but also to alert the managers as an ‘early warning system’.

Till date most of these experts have already undertaken over four field trips. They are working to unveil aspects of ecosystem dynamics of the respective fauna flora sub-groups and verify the ‘Initially Identified Indicators’ regarding their ability to monitor the biodiversity health status of Sundarbans.

There is no doubt that the assignment is not only challenging but also innovative in nature. The task of establishing bio-indicators is a long term one that needs decades of studies. The author as the team leader of the project is hopeful to achieve some success, at least to the tune of firming up some ‘Bio-Alarms’, if not to the full satisfaction of establishing set of ‘Indicators’, for monitoring the Biodiversity health status of SRF.

Initially Identified Indicators

Based on all these stated above, a list of “Initially Identified Indicators” has been developed through various workshops, meetings, brain storming sessions, etc. in conjunction with the stakeholders. Along with professors of various universities, many experienced foresters who have worked in the Sundarbans years after years; relevant stakeholders actively participated during the process of identifying indicators. The list of the “Initially Identified Indicators” emerged as such is as under (IUCN 2002).

Initially Identified Indicators for Monitoring the Biodiversity of SRF


Initially Identified as Indicators



Luisia brachystachys
Oberonia gammiei
Dendrobium anceps
Bulbophyllum roxbhurghii

Indicate closed canopy, old mature stands, favorable water regime of air, etc.


Microsorium punctatum (Bird nest fern)

Indicate older stands of Sundri

Acrostichum aureum(Tiger fern)

Indicate degraded openings, hardpan underneath, close cover, high sedimentation, etc.



Indicate wetter habitat and closed canopy


Indicate wetter habitat and closed canopy

Tree Species

Heritiera fomes (Sundri)

Indicate fresh water zone

Sonneratia apetala (Keora)

Indicate newly formed land

Rhizophora mucronata (Jhana)

Indicate saline muddy river bank

Ceriops roxburrghii (Goran)

Indicate saline raised sites

Avicennia officinalis (Bain)

Indicate sand deposition

Climber and Creepers

Derris trifoliata (Kalia lata)
Sarcolobus globosus (Bawali lata)

Indicate fresh water flow


Nypa fruticans (Golpatta)

Indicate fresh water muddy sites

Phoenix paludosa (Hental)

Indicate edges of saucer formation & maturing aspects of soil formation, heavy sedimentation, raised sites, etc.

Grasses and Sedges

Porteresia coarctata (Dhanshi)

Indicate new formation

Cyperus exaltatus (Malia ghash)

Indicate depressed sites holding rainwater

Undergrowth-Shrubs & Herbs

Hibiscus tilliaceous (Bala)

Indicate open canopy

Aegialitis rotundifolia (Noona Jhau)

Indicate depressed saline sites

Aegiceras majus (Khalshi)

Indicate higher salinity, muddy bank, moderate shade, bee association, etc.

Acanthus ilicifolius (Hargoza)

Indicate moderately open & less sandy site

Invasive Species

Eichhornia crassipes (Kochuri pana)

Indicate fresh water flow

Micania scandens (Asam Lata)

Indicate open site

Entada rheedii (Gila Lata)

Indicate older tree growth

Eupoterium odoratum
Derris trifoliate (Kalia Lata)
Sepium indicum

Initially Identified Indicators for Monitoring the Biodiversity of SRF


Initially Identified as Indicators



Telescopium telescopium
Crassostrea sp (Giant oysters)
Sepia sp.

Indicate lower salinity


Scylla olivacea (Mud crab)
Penaeus monodon (Bagda chingri)
Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Golda chingri)
Carcinoscorpius rotundicanda (Horse shoe crab)

Sundarban water is the natural spawning ground of both the species of 'Chingri'. Indicate existence of high detritus loaded brackish water bodies. Relates to salinity features


Danaus melanippus (Monarch butterfly)

Association with some specific mangroves

Pantala flavescene (Dragon fly)

Indicate old and climax mangrove site


Indicate existence of Sonneratia stand

Lady bird beetle*

Abundance indicate control of aphids on newly flashing twigs of Sundri

Lycaenid Butterfly*


Euphlyctis hexadactyla (Green frog)

Indicate brackish water merge with fresh water zone


Crocodylus porosus (Estuarine Crocodile)

Ophiophagus hanna (King Cobra)

Indicate existence of old tree growth with hollows

Varanus salvator (Gooi Shap)


Haliaeetus leucogaster (White-bellied Sea Eagle)
Laptoptilis javanicus (Lesser Adjutant)
Numenius arquata (Eurasian Curlew)
Heliopais personata (Masked Finfoot)


Panthera tigris (Bengal tiger)

Indicate existence of mangrove habitat with its complete structure

Orcaella brevirostris (Irrawaddy Dolphin)

Indicate fish abundance, salinity gradient

Cervus axis (Spotted deer)

Indicate availability of fodder especially Sonneratia, grasses, etc.

Lutra perspicillata (Smooth-coated Otter)

Indicate abundance of small fishes


Seatophagus argus (Bishkata) Vetkey*

Indicate less saline but rich detritus loaded water

Kawin magoor*

Indicate fresh water abundance


* Scientific names to be obtained later


Identification of true indicators for monitoring the biodiversity of SRF will need studies over periods of decades. But this approach of using the long experiences of available experts who have worked in the Sundarbans for long periods is no less valuable in achieving the goal. Their experience and observations with respect to the ecosystem and ecosystem dynamics of Sundarbans have been fully used in identifying these initial indicators. The field trips by experts that are under way shall give some idea about the credibility of the indicators identified as such. It is expected that indicators, once firmed up will work as early warning system or “Bio-Alarms” for the managers to signal probable change in future to take necessary steps towards conservation and sustainability.

This is an innovative and absolutely new approach not only for Bangladesh mangroves but also for the mangroves at large. This work may be taken further and continued over long periods of decades to firm up and establish a set of true indicators for monitoring the biodiversity health status of SRF, which may be redressed for global use.


Chowdhury, R. A. and Ahmed, I. 1994 History of Forest Management. Mangroves of the Sunderbans Volume two: Bangladesh. Zakir Hussain and Gayatri Acharya (eds.). IUCN Publication. P 155-180

Dumanski, J. and Pieri, C. 1994 Application of the Pressure-State-Response Framework for the Land Quality Indicators Program.

Forestal Forestry and Engineering International Ltd. 1960 Inventory of Sundarbans Forests. Vancouver, Canada.

IUCN. Bangladesh 2002 Workshop Reports on Initial Identification of Indicators. Conservation Monitoring of Sundarbans Biodiversity.

Karim, A. 1994 Environmental Impacts. Mangroves of the Sunderbans Volume two: Bangladesh. Zakir Hussain and Gayatri Acharya (eds.). IUCN Publication. P 203-217

Mainka, S and McNeely, J. 2001. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species__ A Tool for Monitoring Biological Diversity.

NB: The author gratefully acknowledges the use of information of the on going project of IUCN, Bangladesh under ADB.

Contact Information

Name: Junaid K. Choudhury. CF (Rtd)

Mailing Address:


Team Leader. SBCP-IUCN
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[1] Team Leader, SBCP-IUCN, House # 11 Rd # 138, Gulshan 1, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh.
Email: [email protected]