



Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan, 
28-31 January 2002


1.     Opening of the Session

2.     Adoption of the agenda

3.     Election of officers

4.     Perspectives on forestry in the region: progress reports

5.     UNCED follow-up as related to sustainable forest management in the Near East: Regional inputs to the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF)

6.     The Use of Treated Waste Water (TWW) in Forest Plantations in the Near East

7.     Regional involvement in global forest resources assessments

8(a)  FAO forestry activities in the region: Review of FAO Regular and Field Programmes, including follow-up to the requests and recommendations of the 14th Session of the Commission

8(b)  FAO forestry activities in the region: 18th Session of Silva Mediterranea (upcoming)

9.     Forestry Outlook Study for Africa: Progress of implementation and follow-up action

10.    International events and initiatives (notes for information):

11.    The Role of Private Sector, Non-governmental Organizations and Civil Society in Forest Management/Forest Policy in the Near East Region (27 January 2002, Khartoum) (for information) and report of FAO workshop

12.    Regional issues identified by the Commission for the attention of the Committee on Forestry

13.    Other business

14.    Date and place of next session

15    Adoption of the report

16.    Closing of the session