


Item 10 of the Provisional Agenda


Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan, 
28-31 January 2002




1. At its 116th session, the Council of FAO accepted Canada's offer to host the XII World Forestry Congress. It will be held from 21 to 28 September 2003 in Quebec City and have as its theme Forests, source of life.

2. Guidelines for the function and organisation of World Forestry Congresses and the procedure for selecting the host country were agreed by the FAO Council at its 115th session in 1998. This note draws largely on those guidelines.

3. World Forestry Congresses serve as a forum to exchange views and experiences and to discuss matters concerning all aspects of forestry that might lead to the formulation of recommendations applicable on a regional or global basis. They are open to participants from all member countries of FAO, the United Nations, any of its specialised agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Congresses are not intergovernmental meetings and have no formal constituencies or country delegations. However, as a key international forestry event, efforts are made during preparations to foster a sense of ownership from all constituencies in all geographic regions.

4. Since Congresses are advisory rather than executive in nature, recommendations contained in declarations are non-binding. Therefore, their implementation is a matter solely for those to whom they are addressed - governments, international organisations, scientific bodies, forest owners, among others - in the light of their particular circumstances. Furthermore, the guidelines state that the outcome of each Congress ...should be brought to the attention of the FAO Conference ... which may wish to consider for possible endorsement, through a resolution, the Declaration emanating from the Congress.

5. Eleven World Forestry Congresses have been held since 1926. Some of the previous themes and locations are as follows:

6. The responsibilities of FAO in organising World Forestry Congresses include, in collaboration with the host country, the selection of the theme (based on proposals from a wide range of countries, organisations and individuals in 2000), the structuring of the Technical Programme and the identification of invited speakers. FAO also provides an Associate Secretary-General to work with the Canadian Secretary-General and Associate Technical Secretaries to collaborate with the Technical Secretaries on matters related to the technical programme, including the review of invited and voluntary papers and the servicing of technical sessions during the Congress.

7. With regard to invited and voluntary papers and to poster sessions, Canada and FAO are giving special attention to ensuring high quality products, given that contributions from the range of interested parties throughout the global forestry community will enrich the exchange of scientific information; increase our understanding of the role that traditional knowledge plays in sustainable forest management; and promote greater awareness of specific conditions that exist at regional and sub-regional levels. Such efforts are consistent with the guidelines that note that: World Forestry Congresses should be recognised for the high quality standard of the papers and the deliberations and for the broad consensus backing authoritative, although not binding, policy and technical advice to governments and international organisations.

8. It is intended that the technical programme consist of invited and voluntary papers and poster sessions in support of the three Areas and Topics. The Areas are:

9. A total of 22 Topics, divided among the three Areas, have been identified on a preliminary basis, pending comments from representative groups. The Congress will be organised in plenary sessions, working groups and poster sessions, aiming to keep groups as small as possible in order to encourage productive discussions. Activities before and during the Congress will be accessible by electronic means to allow those in remote areas to participate and contribute to the discussions should they so desire.

10. The Congress will feature exhibits, a number of associated events and study tours both during and after the event. At the XII World Forestry Congress, interpretation in English, French and Spanish will be available during plenary sessions and the main background documents will be provided in those same languages.

11. Canada has appointed a Secretary-General, established an Organising Committee and opened a website - or . A first announcement, containing a pre-registration form, was issued in October 2001 and the first call for papers will follow in January 2002. Both documents will be available at the Congress.

12. Although FAO cannot provide financial assistance for participation in the XII World Forestry Congress, the host country will explore various possible forms of support with potential sponsors, informing individuals and groups of eligibility requirements once these are established.

13. Further information and the pre-registration form can be obtained from the Secretariat, World Forestry Congress 2003, 800 Place d'Youville, 18e étage, Quebec, Canada G1R 3P4. Fax: 418-694-9922; e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]; website: or