



Khartoum, Republic of the Sudan, 
28-31 January 2002



Monday, 28 January 2002
09.00-10.00 Registration (Friendship Hall, Khartoum)
10.00-11.00  Item 1: Opening pf the session
11.00-12.00 Item 2: Adoption of the agenda (document FO:NEFC/02/1)
Item 3: Election of officers
14.30-17.00   Item 4: Perspectives on forestry in the region: progress reports (document FO:NEFC/02/2)
18.00-20.00  Reception by the Government of the Republic of the Sudan

Tuesday, 29 January 2002

09.00-12.00   Item 5: UNCED follow-up as related to sustainable forest management in the Near East: regional inputs to the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) (document FO:NEFC/02/3)
Item 6: The Use of Treated Waste Water (TWW) in forest plantations in the Near East (document FO:NEFC/02/4)
14.00-17.00   Item 7: Regional Involvement in global forest resources assessments (document FO:NEFC/02/5)
18.30-20.30  Reception by FAO
Wednesday, 30 January 2002



Item 8(a): FAO forestry activities in the region: Review of FAO regular and field programmes, including follow-up to the requests and recommendations of the 14th Session of the Commission (document FO:NEFC/02/7)
Item 8(b): FAO forestry activities in the region: 18th Session of Silva Mediterranea (upcoming)
Item 9: Forestry Outlook Study for Africa (FOSA): Progress of implementation and follow-up action
Item 10: International events and initiatives (Information Notes):
  • International Year of Mountains, 2002 (document FO:NEFC/02/9)
  • Arrangements for the XII World Forestry Congress, Canada, 2003 (document FO:NEFC/02/10)
  • National Forest Programmes Facility (document FO:NEFC/02/11)

Thursday, 31 January 2002

09.00-12.00   Item 11: Report of the FAO Workshop on the Role of Private Sector, Non-governmental Organizations and Civil Society/National Forestry Programme in the Near East Region (27 January 2002, Khartoum, Sudan), for information. (document: FO:NEFC/02/12)
15.00-17.30   Item 12: Regional issues identified by the Commission for the attention of the Committee on Forestry (COFO)
Item 13: Other business
Item 14: Date and place of next session
Item 15: Adoption of the report

Item 16: Closing of the session