FC 99/12

Finance Committee

Ninety-ninth Session

Rome, 6 - 10 May 2002

Changes in Salary Scales and Allowances

Table of contents

I. Professional and Higher categories


1. The following levels for the Rome post adjustment classification were announced by the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC) from February 2001 to February 2002.

Table 1.


Post Adjustment
(Applying 4-month waiting period)

Month Index1 Month Lire/Dollar Index Multiplier

Echange Rate

Oct. 2000 100.0 Feb. 2001 2 106.66 100.3 0.3
Nov. 2000 100.3 Mar. 2001 2 112.47 95.2 0.0
Dec. 2000 100.4 Apr. 2001 2 189.92 92.3 0.0
Jan. 2001 100.7 May 2001 2 162.81 93.3 0.0
Feb. 2001 101.0 June 2001 2 259.63 89.8 0.0
Mar. 2001 101.1 July 2001 2 277.05 104.6 4.6
Apr. 2001 101.7 Aug. 2001 2 211.22 107.3 7.3
May 2001 101.9 Sep. 2001 2 129.90 110.8 10.8
June 2001 102.3 Oct. 2001 2 108.60 111.8 11.8
July 2001 102.4 Nov. 2001 2 129.90 110.8 10.8
Aug. 2001 102.3 Dec. 2001 2 174.43 108.9 8.9
Sep. 2001 102.4 Jan. 2002 1.1362 107.8 7.8
Oct. 2001 102.5 Feb. 2002 1.162 105.7 5.7

2. In March 2001, as a result of the consolidation of 5.1 post adjustment multiplier points, the Post Adjustment Index (PAI) dropped to 95.2 at the rate of exchange of Lire 2 112.47 to US$1.00; the post adjustment was, however, maintained at zero level in accordance with ICSC guidelines. From April to June 2001, the effect of the consolidation of 5.1 post adjustment multiplier points combined with a further strengthening of the US dollar vis-à-vis the lira maintained the PAI constantly below one hundred. Accordingly, the post adjustment multiplier continued to be maintained at zero level.

3. In July 2001 the ICSC, following its review and approval of the results of the Rome place-to-place survey undertaken in October 2000, established the PAI at 104.6 and the post adjustment multiplier at 4.6 at a rate of exchange of Lire 2 129.90 to US$1.00.

4. With effect from 1 January 2002 the monthly operational rate of exchange has been expressed in Euro.

5. On the basis of Table 1, the graph below shows the variations of the net salary, at P-4, step VI, due to the monthly fluctuations of the Italian lira versus the US dollar.

Undisplayed Graphic

6. The corresponding monthly salaries in Italian lire and the effect of the local inflation on net purchasing power are shown in the graph below.

Undisplayed Graphic  

7.  Following a decision taken by the General Assembly at its Fifty-sixth session (2001)(see FC 99/11, para. 4), a revised scale of gross and net salaries will be implemented as of 1 March 2002. The new scale reflects an increase of 3.87 per cent over the current scale (March 2001) and result from a consolidation of 3.87 per cent of multiplier points of post adjustment on a no-loss, no-gain basis. There will consequently be an adjustment in the post adjustment index which will be promulgated in March 2002. The new scale also takes into account revised staff assessment rates.

8. Since separation payment and the mobility and hardship allowance are based on the base/floor salary scale, the amounts of these payments will also be increased by the same percentage (3.87 per cent) as of 1 March 2002.


Interim Adjustment:

9. In line with the procedures for interim adjustments established by the ICSC and approved by the Council3, an across-the-board 1.68 per cent net increase in salaries of the General Service staff came into effect 1 November 2001.

10. The annual pensionable remuneration was revised by the same percentage increase applied to the net salaries (the 1 to 1 interim adjustment procedure) and with effect from the same date.

11. In accordance with the current procedure, the annual net amount of the children's allowance was revised from € 982.82 to € 999.34. As this amount is lower than that in effect from 1 November 1997 (e.g. € 1 077.33 net per annum), staff members on board prior to 1 November 1998 and already in receipt of this allowance will maintain the higher amount until such time as future revisions produce a children's allowance equal to or higher than that in effect on 1 November 1997.

12. The annual amount of the first and second language allowances has been revised by the same percentage increase and with effect from the same date.


1 Index of cot-of-living for international offcials in Rome. Please note that the index has been re-based effective 1 October 2000, date of the last cost-of-living survey.

2 Euros as of 1 January 2002

3 CL 82/REP, para. 186.187; CL 86/REP, para. 160 (b)