PC 88/INF/2

Programme Committee


Rome, 9 – 13 September 2002


PC 88/1

Provisional Agenda

PC 88/5 a)

Thematic Evaluation of Strategy A3: Preparedness for, and effective and sustainable response to, food and agricultural emergencies

PC 88/5 b)

Update on Progress of the Joint FAO/WHO Evaluation of the Codex Alimentarius and other FAO and WHO work on Food Standards

PC 88/7

Progress Report on the Follow-up to Past Programme Committee Recommendations

PC 88/INF/1

Provisional Timetable

PC 88/INF/2

Provisional List of Documents

JM 02.2/1

Provisional Agenda of the Joint Meeting of the Programme and Finance Committees

JM 02.2/3

Savings and Efficiencies in Governance

CL 123/7

Medium Term Plan 2004-2009

CL 123/INF/16

Report of the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit

CL 123/INF/17

Programme of Work of the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit for 2002

CL 123/INF/18

Enhancing Governance Oversight Role: Structure, Working Methods and Practices on Handling Oversight Reports (JIU/REP/2001/4)

C 2003/8

Programme Implementation Report 2000-2001