

Seventeenth Session

Rome, 31 March-4 April 2003

Preliminary Information on Programme of Work Proposals for 2004-05

Item 4 of the Provisional Agenda

Table of Contents


1. At its last session in 2001, the Committee carried out its forward-looking review of planned activities related to its mandate on the basis of the pertinent sections of the Medium Term Plan (MTP) 2002-071. At the present session, the Medium Term Plan 2004-092 is before the Committee for the same purpose.

2. However, at the request of the FAO Council, the Programme Committee addressed at its May 2002 session the feasibility of developing preliminary information on Programme of Work proposals to COAG3, COFI4 and COFO5. For ease of reference, the related extract of the Programme Committee report is reproduced below:

"The Committee welcomed the document which provided interesting background and historical information, including a comparative analysis of the functions of the three Technical Committees pointing to some differences among them. It also recognised the practical difficulties inherent in providing Summary Programme of Work and Budget (SPWB) proposals type information to the Technical Committees.

Accordingly, the Committee endorsed the compromise solution proposed by the Secretariat to the effect that COAG, COFI and COFO would receive specially prepared budget documents showing:

The Committee also agreed that this be implemented in 2003 on a trial basis, so that costs and benefits could be evaluated in 2004.

3. In the light of the above guidance from the Programme Committee, this complementary document has been prepared covering activities under Major Programmes 2.1: Agricultural Production and Support Systems; 2.2: Food and Agriculture Policy and Development and 2.5: Contributions to Sustainable Development and Special Programme thrusts. The views of the Committee on substantive priorities will be considered in finalising the PWB 2004-05 proposals.

4. It is worth stressing that the figures under the column "Total Programme of Work in 2002-03" are not fully comparable to those in the Programme of Work and Budget 2002-03 document (issued in the early summer of 2001), as they reflect a more refined estimation of resources under other income (i.e. beyond those in the Regular Budget Appropriation voted by the FAO Conference).

Preliminary Information on
Programme of Work Proposals for 2004-05




Programme Change by Source

2004-05 (MTP)


Total Programme of Work

Voluntary Contributions

Regular Programme Appropriations

Total Programme of Work


Intra-departmental Programme Entities for Agricultural Production and Support Systems






Natural Resources


















Agricultural Support Systems






Agricultural Applications of Isotopes and Biotechnology






Programme Management










Programme 2.1.0: Intra-departmental Entities


Programme Change by Source

2004-05 (MTP)

Total Programme of Work

Voluntary Contributions

Regular Programme Appropriations

Total Programme of Work


Sustainable Intensification of Integrated Production Systems






Promotion of Conservation Agriculture






Secretariat of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)






Committee on Agriculture (COAG)






Technical Services for Partnership Development and Information Enhancement






Central Support to PAIAs












210A1 - Sustainable Intensification of Integrated Production Systems

5. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. electronic information forum and clearing-house for stakeholders to collect and share information on integrated production systems and Good Agricultural Practices (GAP);
    2. farmer-participatory pilot sites in at least three regions, established through the SPFS6, for study and demonstration of horizontal and vertical integration of production and post-harvest systems;
    3. economic appraisals and farm-level impact studies on two major integrated systems, to be used as models; and
    4. guidelines for good agricultural practices elaborated for individual production systems within different agro-ecosystems, in collaboration with partners in the public and private sectors and CSOs7.

210A2 – Promotion of Conservation Agriculture

6. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. guidelines, training materials, workshops and support to networks on: mechanisation technologies for sustainable land husbandry (conservation agriculture), crops and cropping system strategies for conservation farming, soil and moisture conservation in production systems and livestock integration into conservation agriculture; and
    2. validated methods for assessment of issues and monitoring, as well as support to national capacities for intensification of integrated crop-livestock systems through improved conservation farming practices.

210P1 – Secretariat of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA)

7. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. one regular session of the Commission and support to its Intergovernmental Technical Working Groups (ITWGs) on Animal and on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture;
    2. pending the entry into force of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, support to the CGRFA as Interim Committee, with activities funded by extra-budgetary resources, and meetings as required;
    3. coordination with relevant international processes; and
    4. meeting of the Panel of Eminent Experts on Ethics in Food and Agriculture, and two publications, with additional outputs subject to extra-budgetary resources becoming available.

210S1 – Committee on Agriculture

8. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. servicing of COAG and preparation of issue papers.

210S2 – Technical Services for Partnership Development and Information Enhancement

9. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. contributions to work on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD) as relates to Agenda 21 of UNCED8 and follow-up to the WSSD9;
    2. coordinated contributions to global perspective studies, as well as to the Convention on Biological Diversity and other partnership agreements; and
    3. advocacy publications and management of the Agriculture Department's Website, as well as inputs to regional reporting and general liaison work.

210S5 – Central Support to PAIAs

10. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. catalytic contributions to support effective implementation of PAIAs during the biennium.

Programme 2.1.1: Natural Resources


Programme Change by Source

2004-05 (MTP)

Total Programme of Work

Voluntary Contributions

Regular Programme Appropriations

Total Programme of Work


Agricultural Water Use Efficiency and Conservation






Land and Soil Productivity






Integrated Land, Water and Plant Nutrition Policies, Planning and Management






Land and Water Quality Improvement






Land and Water Information Systems, Databases and Statistics






Knowledge Management and Partnerships






Direct Support to Member Nations and to the Field Programme






International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID)











211A1 – Agricultural Water Use Efficiency and Conservation

11. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. guidelines, training materials, regional seminars and support to networks on such subjects as: on-farm water control and management including in the context of the SPFS, use and application of supplementary irrigation, key aspects of effective water management, low-cost irrigation structures, water user organizations, devolution of irrigation management, transboundary river basin conflict avoidance;
    2. studies on biotechnology and crop water use productivity;
    3. advisory services on greater private sector participation in irrigation systems management;
    4. manual on crop water supply and guidelines on irrigation scheduling and irrigation management; and
    5. irrigation system evaluations in selected countries.

211A2 – Land and Soil Productivity

12. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. support to national action programmes for soil fertility in pilot countries, particularly in Africa;
    2. case studies on integrated plant nutrient management (IPNM) and soil productivity in selected SPFS countries;
    3. support to capacity building and information network on good practices;
    4. training course on IPNM for extension officers;
    5. issues papers and national strategies for soil biodiversity and sustainable land management;
    6. technical conference and report on options and policies in conditions of scarce natural resources and for more efficient fertilizer use;
    7. guidelines on analysis of land degradation;
    8. support to national action programmes to combat desertification;
    9. case studies for testing land evaluation methodology;
    10. strategy notes and guidelines on conservation agriculture and improved rainfall management in drylands, with particular reference to land degradation assessment in dry lands (LADA); and
    11. soil fertility enhancement and carbon sequestration models and tools.

211A3 – Integrated Land, Water and Plant Nutrition Policies, Planning and Management

13. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. support to national integrated land and water use policies, including appropriate technologies and approaches to soil and water conservation and watershed management;
    2. manuals and training courses on wetland development;
    3. modelling and decision support for water and nutrient balance in selected farming systems;
    4. sustainable wetlands management network;
    5. guidelines on land and water linkages in rural watersheds tested in five pilot regions; and
    6. guidelines and manuals for trainers and farmers related to implementing the desertification and biodiversity conventions.

211A5 – Land and Water Quality Improvement

14. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. improved water quality guidelines and standards;
    2. methodologies, guidelines and prediction models to deal with soil degradation due to salt intrusion;
    3. three regional workshops for salt-affected soils management;
    4. development of land and water quality indicators;
    5. newsletters and Web page on salt affected soils, coupled with regular reporting from national institutions dealing with salt-induced degradation;
    6. case studies and country profiles on problems and successes with rehabilitation of saline soils;
    7. guidelines on drainage performance and drainage evaluation training courses;
    8. case studies on drought, storm and flood prone agricultural lands;
    9. workshops and training of policy makers and technicians on strategies and good practices in handling natural disasters; and
    10. support to flood and drought disaster mitigation networks, including private sector partners.

211P7 – Land and Water Information Systems, Databases and Statistics

15. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. support to capacity building and guidelines for national land and water information systems;
    2. geo-referenced national and sub-national land use data, training tools, regional workshops and related network;
    3. assessments of user requirements and use of land and water information to be posted on the Internet;
    4. AEZ10 tools and guidelines including Internet access;
    5. studies on contribution of irrigation to food production and global freshwater assessment;
    6. dissemination of information on CD-ROM and on Internet on the various land themes;
    7. maintenance of TERRASTAT11, SOTER12 and AQUASTAT13 Internet sites and related surveys, studies and publications; and
    8. periodic Report on State of the World Land and Water Resources.

211P8 – Knowledge Management and Partnerships

16. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. Website: Land and Water Resources and Knowledge Centre, with comprehensive links and electronic newsletter;
    2. studies and policy reviews of land, water and plant nutrition issues;
    3. dissemination of glossaries and success stories and best practices on land resource management;
    4. technical contributions and inputs to support the implementation of Agenda 21, Johannesburg plan of action and conventions such as CSD14, CCD15, CBD16; and
    5. support to major technical fora, the World Water Forum and the International Land Resources Centre.

211S1 – Direct Support to Member Nations and to the Field Programme

17. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. technical backstopping to the field programme and advisory services on land, water and plant nutrient management; and
    2. formulation of programmes and projects for member countries, including relief efforts in emergencies.

211S2 – International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage (IPTRID)

18. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. strategies for sustainable agricultural water management at national, regional and global levels, focusing on capacity building and technology transfer;
    2. capacity building and technology transfer projects; and
    3. dissemination of information and knowledge through the Internet and through publications (WCA infoNET17, GRID magazine, IPTRID publications).

Programme 2.1.2: Crops


Programme Change by Source

2004-05 (MTP)

Total Programme of Work

Voluntary Contributions

Regular Programme Appropriations

Total Programme of Work


Alternative Crops and Cultivars for New Opportunities






Strategies and Technologies for Sustainable Crop and Grassland Production Systems






EMPRES - Plant Pests Component






"Mainstreaming IPM" by Enhancing Essential Ecological Processes






Strengthening National Seed Production and Security Systems






Facilitating Plant Production and Protection Decision Making






Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources, including through Biotechnology, and Seed Sector Development






Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)






Pesticide Management






Migratory Pest Management






Technical Support to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture






Support to Strategy Formulation and Promotion of Specific Action for Rice Development in Member Countries of the International Rice Commission (IRC)






Advice to Countries and Support to Field Programme











212A1 – Alternative Crops and Cultivars for New Opportunities

19. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. maintenance of knowledge base on current and lesser-known plants in light of their agro-ecological adaptability and use as food and non-food commodities, and expansion of HORTIVAR, the WAICENT18 database on the in situ performance of horticulture cultivars;
    2. action plans to expand the production of selected species and high value cultivars, including date and oil palm, olive and cactus pear;
    3. support to diversification of germplasm for propagation and production of potato in the Tropical Highlands, and broadening of genetic base of neglected root and tuber crops;
    4. assistance with capacity building and guidelines on propagation of healthy planting material of improved cultivars;
    5. guidelines on, and field demonstration of, good agricultural practices aiming at the production of high-quality and safe agricultural produce in environmentally-neutral conditions; and
    6. distance-learning modules and demonstration of integrated technologies for intensified production in greenhouses.

212A3 - Strategies and Technologies for Sustainable Crop and Grassland Production Systems

20. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. guidelines and field demonstration on good agricultural practices and support to national capacity building on plant biotechnologies;
    2. genetic diversity assessment and promotion of the use of crops, grassland and smallholder mixed-cropping gardening in rural communities;
    3. advisory services and strategies for cassava development and support to the implementation of action plans to integrate urban and peri-urban agriculture, with special emphasis on micro-garden technologies in selected countries;
    4. studies on barley improvement in Latin America and on fodder crops and native grassland species for feed, food, energy and medicinal purposes in Latin America and Near East;
    5. dissemination of fact sheets for organic agriculture practices;
    6. support to the Tropical Asian Maize Network (TAMNET), rice-wheat system in South Asia, breeding programmes in difficult environments and participatory breeding and research approaches in some Near East countries, and to networking on fodder crops in mountainous areas of temperate Asia;
    7. publications on: sustainable cereal production, horticultural crops, native and exotic temperate grasses and legumes, hay and silage, and biodiversity in grassland systems; and
    8. on-line crop and grassland databases and information systems.

212A4 – EMPRES – Plant Pest Component

21. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. assistance to desert locust affected countries in the Central and Western regions, including coordination meetings with relevant stakeholders and annual planning documents;
    2. support to effective early warning systems in desert locust affected countries, including new and improved technologies involving remote sensing, electronic data transmission, global positioning systems, and good survey practices;
    3. support to national locust control capacities through improved contingency planning, training, provision of equipment and operating resources and the field testing of new, more environmentally friendly control techniques; and
    4. improved desert locust emergency prevention strategies and support to inter-country cooperation on improved early warning and control of other locust species.

212A5 – "Mainstreaming IPM" by Enhancing Essential Ecological Processes

22. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. guidelines and curricula for weed population ecology;
    2. technical guidelines and training of national personnel for risk analysis and management of herbicide resistant crops and studies on the impact of herbicide resistant crops;
    3. technical guidelines for national IPM19 programmes to adopt ecological concepts in training programmes;
    4. support to exchanges of experiences among national integrated production and protection programmes involving farmers, trainers and policy makers;
    5. methods to integrate soil biology, moisture and nutrient management with IPM and training curricula for IPM in peri-urban food systems;
    6. technical guidelines on pest population dynamics and pathosystem management;
    7. technical assistance to national programmes concerning pest management and integrated pest management; and
    8. regional and sub-regional meetings to formulate IPM policies and programmes at various levels.

212A8 – Facilitating Plant Production and Protection Decision Making

23. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. Internet-based technical information system on seeds, planting material, crop production and crop protection;
    2. assistance to networks of plant production and plant protection specialists, for knowledge-sharing and partnerships with collaborative data sources;
    3. further collaboration with GFAR20 on assessment and descriptions of under-utilised species; and
    4. organisation of five country-level training courses.

212A9 – Conservation and Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources, including through Biotechnology, and Seed Sector Development

24. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. case studies on conservation and use of crop and crop associated biodiversity to sustain agricultural productivity and enhance livelihoods;
    2. development of indicators for the management of plant genetic resources and related components of agricultural biodiversity;
    3. support to the implementation of the CBD programme of work on agricultural biodiversity;
    4. case studies on access to and the role of technologies, including biotechnologies, for the conservation and use of PGRFA21, including socio-economic aspects, proprietary status, market opportunities and other policy dimensions;
    5. guidelines on resource allocation and policy formulation for sustainable use of PGRFA;
    6. database with time series information on public and private sector resources allocations related to PGRFA;
    7. publications with country profiles on sustainable use of PGRFA;
    8. training courses on PGRFA, including biotechnology and base-broadening methodologies;
    9. methodologies, technical guidance notes, and illustrative case studies on approaches such as seed fairs, farmer field schools, voucher schemes, participatory methods in seed technology, and community-based enterprises;
    10. training and guidelines to promote complementarity between the private, public and informal seed sectors;
    11. analyses of, and advice to countries on: access and benefit sharing; variety release and seed certification and other policy aspects; and
    12. analyses of seed systems, their resilience and role in crisis situations, including emergency response measures consistent with long-term seed security and inventories of locally-adapted crop varieties commonly grown in disaster-prone regions.

212P1 – Secretariat of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC)

25. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. two meetings of the Commission on Phytosanitary Measures and at least four meetings of its Standards Committee;
    2. accelerated standard setting through additional expert working groups to develop draft standards, ensuring that a minimum of four standards per year can be adopted by the Commission;
    3. cooperation with WTO22, CBD, WHO23, World Bank, Codex Alimentarius and OIE24 on policies, information exchange and capacity building;
    4. support to, and meetings of regional plant protection organizations (Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Commission and the Caribbean Plant Protection Commission), including support for the development of regional phytosanitary standards;
    5. maintenance of an Internet Phytosanitary "Portal" to provide for the mandatory exchange of information as identified in the IPPC, as a component of a Portal on food safety and animal and plant health, including training courses for national staff to participate in the Portal;
    6. initiation of a regional phytosanitary information system for the Asia and Pacific Plant Protection Agreement; and
    7. assistance to countries to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their phytosanitary systems through the use of Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation, and to national phytosanitary services, where possible through an integrated approach (food safety, animal and plant health and other biological risk management).

212P2 – Pesticide Management

26. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. guidelines on the revised version of the International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides;
    2. guidance on the identification of deficiencies in national pesticide control programmes, coupled with technical assistance to countries on the implementation of pesticide management;
    3. support to regional cooperation on pesticide registration in two sub-regions;
    4. issuance of an increased number of standards on pesticide quality and recommendations for Maximum Residue Levels to the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (together with WHO);
    5. Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention (together with UNEP), including: meetings of the Conference of Parties of the Convention and its subsidiary bodies; addition of chemicals to the Prior Informed Consent Procedure (PIC); and information exchange required to implement the PIC procedure;
    6. training workshops on the Implementation of the Convention; and
    7. stakeholder meeting to facilitate pesticide disposal, and technical advice to countries, including on obsolete pesticides and monitoring of disposal operations.

212P3 – Migratory Pest Management

27. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. monthly bulletins including forecasts, special alerts and summaries on the desert locust situation and other locust outbreaks;
    2. guidelines and methodologies on desert locust control;
    3. desert locust database maintained and systematically updated;
    4. Secretariat to the Desert Locust Control Committee, including meeting of the Committee and its technical group and the pesticide reference group;
    5. Secretariat to the three Regional Desert Locust Commissions, including meetings of the Locust Commissions;
    6. policy and technical decisions on improved desert locust management, research priorities and inter-country programmes; and
    7. technical support to national migratory pest projects and supervision of FAO-led migratory pest emergency operations.

212P4 – Technical Support to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

28. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. thematic studies on, and indicators for genetic diversity erosion and/or vulnerability feeding into preparations of the second report on the State of the World's PGRFA;
    2. updated country-driven assessments of state of plant genetic resources;
    3. facilitating mechanism to assist countries in the implementation of the Global Plan of Action (GPA) for the conservation and sustainable use of PGRFA, including: methodologies and policy guidelines for incorporating the GPA objectives into national programmes, technical assistance to projects and capacity building for the achievement of specific objectives of the GPA;
    4. World Information and Early Warning System (WIEWS) with an integrated Seed Information System (SIS) and an on-line, interactive information system to facilitate the monitoring of the GPA implementation and the assessment of the State of the World's PGRFA;
    5. technical and operational support to the International Network of ex situ collections under the auspices of FAO, including the negotiation of new agreements with institutions and countries; and
    6. preparation of documents and studies as requested by the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) and its Intergovernmental Working Group on PGRFA.

212P5 – Support to Strategy Formulation and Promotion of Specific Action for Rice Development in Member Countries of the International Rice Commission (IRC)

29. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. continued support to international and national work on rice research and sustainable rice production systems, through meetings of the IRC Steering Committee and workshops under four regional and inter-regional collaborative networks on rice;
    2. preparations for the International Year of Rice (IYR) in 2004 and the 21st Session of the IRC;
    3. publication of two regular IRC Newsletters, quarterly and electronic newsletters on IYR, Website, and technical books on innovative rice technologies;
    4. support to national strategies for the development and use of hybrid rice technologies and rice integrated crop management (RICM) systems for environmentally-friendly and remunerative rice-based production;
    5. studies on the impacts of hybrid rice technologies and of technologies for mitigating the effects of global climate change on sustainable rice production; and
    6. pilot projects on the adoption of NERICA25 rice varieties in Africa and farmer-monitored RICM systems to enhance efficiency and reduce yield gaps.

212S1 – Advice to Countries and Support to Field Programme

30. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. support to national development programmes, including projects under the SPFS and other field projects, under the broad range of disciplines addressed by the crops programme.

Programme 2.1.3: Livestock


Programme Change by Source

2004-05 (MTP)

Total Programme of Work

Voluntary Contributions

Regular Programme Appropriations

Total Programme of Work


Contribution of Livestock to Poverty Alleviation






Developing the Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources






Veterinary Public Health Management and Food and Feed Safety






EMPRES - Livestock






Technologies and Systems for Efficient Natural Resource Use in Livestock Production






Environmental Management of Insect Borne Diseases






Livestock Sector Analysis and Strategy Development






Global Livestock Information System and Knowledge Framework






Advice to Member Countries and Support to the Field Programme












213A3 – Contribution of Livestock to Poverty Alleviation

31. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. publication of the Livestock for Poverty Alleviation Report - a continuously updated series of analyses, case studies, strategies, guidelines and best management practices - focussing in the biennium on: increasing the productivity of small ruminants and poultry, support of the SPFS, small scale milk processing and improved access to livestock goods and services;
    2. guidelines to assist countries in coping with natural and man-made disasters affecting domestic livestock resources and to address the negative impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic; and
    3. support to the project GCP/INT/804/UK "Pro-poor livestock policy facility", including contributions to the national Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP) from the perspective of the livestock sector.

213A5 – Developing the Global Strategy for the Management of Farm Animal Genetic Resources

32. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. training of national focal points and support to regional focal points and country networks towards the preparation of the First Report on the State of the World's Animal Genetic Resources (SoW-AnGR) and for the identification of priority actions for improved utilisation and conservation of AnGR;
    2. analysis of draft country reports on the State of AnGR, regional syntheses and arrangements for global synthesis of regional reports;
    3. dissemination of AnGR monitoring and emergency planning tools and support to comprehensive policy formulation by stakeholders at national, regional and global levels;
    4. country data supplemented by several technical studies, i.e. on animal genetic resources and the environment, impacts of gene migration on animal genetic resources, valuation of animal genetic resources, trade dimensions of animal genetic resources, and emergency interventions; and
    5. comprehensive progress reports on the Development of the Global Strategy on the Management of AnGR to the 10th Session of the CGRFA, through the Inter-governmental Working Group on AnGR of the CGRFA.

213A6 – Veterinary Public Health Management and Food and Feed Safety

33. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. electronic regional networks to improve animal disease information, i.e. for improved recognition of significant zoonotic diseases, for professional exchanges on the delivery of veterinary public health services;
    2. inventory of zoonotic diseases, identification of appropriate control measures and best preventive strategies;
    3. codes of conduct and guidelines on safety in the food chain, i.e. for prudent use of antimicrobials and antiparasitic drugs, and quality control mechanisms using risk analysis principles and decision support systems (GAP26 and HACCP27);
    4. inputs into the code of conduct for safe animal feeding in the Codex Alimentarius Working Party; and
    5. support to national and regional capacity building for surveillance, diagnostics and control of zoonotic diseases (BSE28, etc.)

213A7 – EMPRES - Livestock

34. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. manuals, bulletins and training materials on major transboundary animal diseases;
    2. support to capacity building and networks on improved emergency preparedness and contingency planning to counter transboundary animal diseases, based on: effective disease information systems and appropriate epidemiological analysis, sample handling and dispatch, disease investigations and epidemiological methods, risk analysis and prevention measures;
    3. monitoring of residual rinderpest virus activity under the Global Rinderpest Eradication Programme;
    4. facilitation of national and regional epizootic measures to contain transboundary animal diseases and to reduce risks of their spreading;
    5. support to early warning systems to aid in disease prevention, analysis and decision making by local and central governments; and
    6. assistance towards a global framework for the control of FMD and other transboundary animal diseases.

213A8 – Technologies and Systems for Efficient Natural Resource Use in Livestock Production

35. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. facilitation of national decision making on livestock and the environment through information services, strategic assessments, research and development programmes and projects;
    2. support to transfer of technologies to address environmental issues of animal production systems and related policy and regulatory frameworks;
    3. dissemination of good agricultural practices for intensive and semi-intensive livestock, including feeding, breeding, production, health and integrated parasite control, product processing and distribution; and
    4. formulation and testing of strategies and decision support techniques to enhance public and private sector livestock extension and veterinary services.

213A9 – Environmental Management of Insect Borne Diseases

36. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. Statutory meetings of the Programme Against African Trypanosomiasis (PAAT) Advisory Group Coordinators and PAAT Committee and support to their recommendations;
    2. Internet-based guidelines and other information services towards concerted action in tsetse and trypanosomosis control and related development, including SARD-based programmes in tsetse cleared areas;
    3. training module in environmental animal health management;
    4. analysis of emerging insect borne diseases in critical areas;
    5. guidelines and training materials on environmentally-safe animal disease management, applied in regional capacity building and networks; and
    6. assessment of epidemiological, environmental (climate change) and agricultural determinants of insect-borne diseases.

213B1 – Livestock Sector Analysis and Strategy Development

37. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. assessment of the livestock sector for the Africa and Near East Regions and strategies comprising policy and technology options that address major issues;
    2. decision support tools and methodologies for the assessment of the social, environmental and public health impact of various livestock policy options;
    3. specific pro-poor policy measures tested in different agro-ecological and socio-economic environments, and related capacity building; and
    4. support to effective dialogue for the integration of environmental and animal health issues, and equity and distributional aspects into national policy formulation and international harmonisation (N.B. all outputs facilitated by the project GCP/INT/804/UK).

213P1 – Global Livestock Information System and Knowledge Framework

38. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. continued development of the Livestock Knowledge Framework and Information System, as a comprehensive set of technical literature on livestock production and health; and
    2. holding of electronic conferences and dissemination of educational, analytical and planning tools and spatially referenced data, providing baseline information on livestock sector resources (e.g. livestock numbers by AEZ and production system), animal production, environment and health, and socio-economic aspects of livestock production; and
    3. above outputs are supported by GCP/INT/804/UK "Pro-poor livestock policy facility", which has a major information component.

213S1 – Advice to Member Countries and Support to the Field Programme

39. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. technical advisory services to countries in the whole gamut of disciplines relevant to livestock production and animal health, including in the context of emergencies;
    2. contributions to the negotiation of the international animal health code; and
    3. support to formulation and technical backstopping of projects.

Programme 2.1.4: Agricultural Support Systems


Programme Change by Source

2004-05 (MTP)

Total Programme of Work

Voluntary Contributions

Regular Programme Appropriations

Total Programme of Work


Enhancing Small Farmer Livelihoods






Meeting Urban Food Needs






Sustainable Commercial Provision of Input Supply, Mechanisation, Investment Support and Marketing Services






Agribusiness Development Targeted to Small and Medium Post-production Enterprises






Agricultural Services - Data and Information Systems






Enhancing Food Quality and Safety by Strengthening Handling, Processing and Marketing in the Food Chain






Agricultural Services - Data and Information Systems






Field Programme Support and Advisory Services to Countries











214A1 – Enhancing Small Farmer Livelihoods

40. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. publications and information products covering policy guidance related to increased competitiveness and incomes of small farmers through commercialisation, enterprise development, risk management and diversification into alternative livelihoods;
    2. needs appraisal and strategy formulation for enhancing livelihoods of farmers in various ecosystems;
    3. country studies and promotional booklets on how to increase small farmer incomes;
    4. guidelines to improve support services relating to farm business management, sustainable mechanisation, post harvest technologies, financial management, and marketing; and
    5. training materials to improve farmers' skills as relate to enterprise change, technology choice, financial management and marketing, including farmers' field school modules.

214A2 – Meeting Urban Food Needs

41. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. regional studies and seminars focussing on improving rural-urban linkages;
    2. planning frameworks and guidelines for addressing the impact of rapid urbanisation on small farmer production, processing and marketing systems;
    3. publications and field guides to improve urban food supply, natural resources management and support services in peri-urban zones; and
    4. dissemination of policy and planning documents and training materials for sensitisation and capacity building of city and local authorities, to improve their understanding of requirements and ability to identify actions for efficient food supply and distribution systems.

214A3 – Sustainable Commercial Provision of Input Supply, Mechanisation, Investment Support and Marketing Services

42. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. assessments and policy guidelines for systems aiming at the commercial provision of inputs, mechanisation, marketing and financial services to small farmers on a sustainable basis;
    2. bulletins and training materials to enhance marketing information and extension services to farmers;
    3. analyses and guidelines to improve domestic marketing arrangements, enhancing the access of producers to international markets, following global trade liberalisation;
    4. strategies to improve the performance of the private sector agricultural engineering input supply chain; and
    5. bulletins, training materials and workshops, and software systems (FAO-GTZ29 MicroBanker) to improve the provision of viable rural financial services to farmers.

214A4 – Agribusiness Development Targeted to Small and Medium Post-production Enterprises

43. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. assessments and policy guidelines to assist national efforts aiming at well-functioning and efficient small and medium enterprises in the food and agricultural sector;
    2. guidelines to enable entrepreneurs to apply modern technology and managerial practices, for enhancing competitiveness and sustainability;
    3. information materials and technical support on processing, packaging, storage, transport and distribution technologies for small and medium enterprises; and
    4. technical assistance and training in post harvest and food processing and preservation technologies, and on contracts negotiation and compliance between producers and agro-enterprises.

214A9 – Enhancing Food Quality and Safety by Strengthening Handling, Processing and Marketing in the Food Chain

44. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. strategies for the development and implementation of quality/safety management in food chains;
    2. assessments and dissemination of information on practical and effective technologies, and good practices relating to food handling, processing, packaging, storage, transportation, distribution and marketing, for delivering high-quality and safe products to consumers and increase value of products from producers; and
    3. studies and technical advice to evaluate problems and priorities for assuring food quality and safety in the food chain.

214P2 – Agricultural Services – Data and Information Systems

45. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. global information and data on farm power and other mechanisation inputs; and
    2. information systems and databases covering harvest systems, rural finance, agricultural marketing and farm economics.

214S1 – Field Programme Support and Advisory Services to Countries

46. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. technical services to countries and field programmes in the areas of agricultural management, marketing, rural finance, farming systems economics, agribusiness, farm power and mechanisation, post-harvest management and technologies, and agro-industries.

Programme 2.1.5: Agricultural Applications of Isotopes and Biotechnology


Programme Change by Source

2004-05 (MTP)

Total Programme of Work

Voluntary Contributions

Regular Programme Appropriations

Total Programme of Work


Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production Systems through Technologies and Capacity-Building






Sustainable Intensification of Livestock Production Systems through Technologies and Capacity-building






Capacity Building and Risk Analysis Methodologies for Compliance with Food Safety Standards and Pesticide Control and Strengthened Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures through Irradiation of Food and Agricultural Commodities











215A1 - Sustainable Intensification of Crop Production Systems through Technologies and Capacity-Building

47. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. methodologies for estimating: crop uptake, losses and residual levels of nitrogen fertilizers; carbon stocks, carbon sequestration and carbon turnover rates in soil-plant systems and for measuring soil redistribution rates at different temporal and spatial scales;
    2. protocols for molecular characterisation of mutated genes and plant genetic resources and for mutation induction and selection of germplasm;
    3. guidelines for production, handling and shipping of natural enemies; for quality assurance of mass produced and released fruit flies and for fruit fly packing, release and trapping in area wide intervention programmes;
    4. manual for assessing the economic returns of fruit fly SIT30 programmes and development of a draft standard on transboundary shipment of sterile insects; and
    5. collection, analysis and dissemination of related information though networks, training courses, workshops, field projects, and databases and provision of research and analytical support from the FAO/IAEA31 Laboratory.

215A2 - Sustainable Intensification of Livestock Production Systems through Technologies and Capacity-building

48. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. publication of the proceedings of an International Symposium on gene-based technologies for improving animal production and health;
    2. protocols and their use within networks for using gene-based technologies for characterizing rumen microbial populations;
    3. database on key breeds of sheep and goats in Asia;
    4. training of national staff in related techniques;
    5. validated methods for separating vaccinated from naturally infected FMD32 animals and for assessing the effectiveness of vaccination strategies against Newcastle disease in village poultry;
    6. information on diagnostic assay and reagent sources for EMPRES33 diseases and diseases of veterinary public health importance;
    7. manuals for sampling and analysis of veterinary drugs in meat and milk;
    8. publication of results of studies to assess the value of molecular methods for defining tsetse populations genetically, for defining the criteria needed to support decision making on the location of tsetse mass rearing facilities and for deciding on release densities of different tsetse species during SIT operations (to support area – wide policies and integration of SIT into intervention campaigns against tsetse flies and thereby PATTEC34); and
    9. technology transfer and dissemination of information through training courses, workshops, field projects, and databases and provision of research and analytical support from the FAO/IAEA Laboratory.

215P1 - Capacity Building and Risk Analysis Methodologies for Compliance with Food Safety Standards and Pesticide Control and Strengthened Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures through Irradiation of Food and Agricultural Commodities

49. Planned Outputs for 2004-05

    1. guidance documents on estimating sampling uncertainty and the stability of pesticide residues;
    2. validated methods and training materials for analysing mycotoxins, pesticide residues;
    3. database on radionuclide transfer factors;
    4. food safety plans for dealing with a nuclear accident or radiological emergency;
    5. regularly updated web-based International Food Contaminant and Residues Information System (INFOCRIS), also available on CD-ROM;
    6. training courses, workshops, networks and field projects on transfer techniques, reagents and procedures that support laboratory accreditation for analysis of contaminants and residues covered by Codex;
    7. publications on the effectiveness of the food irradiation process in ensuring the hygienic quality of fresh, minimally processed foods of plant origin, the safety and quality of prepared meals and for ensuring quarantine security against insect pests in food and agricultural commodities; and
    8. training of food control and plant quarantine personnel and provision of regularly updated science-based information on food irradiation through the Internet.


1 CL 119/17

2 CL 123/7

3 Committee on Agriculture

4 Committee on Fisheries

5 Committee on Forestry

6 Special Programme for Food Security

7 Civil Society Organizations

8 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development

9 World Summit on Sustainable Development

10 Agro-ecological zone

11 Land resource potential and constraints statistics at country and regional level

12 Soils and Terrain Database

13 Rural Water Statistical System

14 Commission on Sustainable Development

15 Convention to Combat Desertification

16 Convention on Biological Diversity

17 Knowledge and Information Dissemination System on Water Conservation and Use in Agriculture

18 World Agricultural Information Centre

19 Integrated Pest Management

20 Global Forum on Agricultural Research

21 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

22 World Trade Organization

23 World Health Organization

24 International Office of Epizootics

25 New Rice for Africa

26 Good agricultural practice

27 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point

28 Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

29 German Development Agency

30 Sterile insect technique

31 International Atomic Energy Agency

32 Foot-and-mouth disease

33 Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases

34 Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign



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