PC 89/10

Programme Committee

Eighty-ninth Session

Rome, 5 – 9 May 2003

Progress Report on the Follow-up to Past Programme Committee Recommendations

1. This Progress Report provides in tabular format the status on Programme Committee items for which specific follow-up action was requested by the Committee, or jointly with the Finance Committee.

2. The Committee is invited to note this Progress Report.


Schedule of the Programme Committee and Joint Meeting Recommendations and
Status of Follow-up Action




CL 123/12

para. 14

Medium Term Plan 2004-2009

The Committee expressed serious concern at the potential shortfall in funding in relation to the approved activities of the IPPC, both in the medium term and in 2002-03, noting that any deficit of resources in the current biennium would need to be handled within existing budgetary authority.


By reducing activities under sub-programmes 212A8 (Facilitating Plant Production and Protection Decision Making) and, to a lesser extent, 212A4 (EMPRES - Plant Pests Component), the Plant Protection Service reallocated US $120 000 during 2002 to 212P1 for the planned implementation of the IPPC. In 2003, it is envisaged that approximately the same level of funding will be available as in 2002. A one-time boost in funds will be provided from the arrears to allow urgently required additional standards to be produced.

CL 123/11

para. 39

The Thematic Review of FAO’s Training Activities

The Committee noted that a further update addressing the issues raised in the report was expected to be submitted to the Committee at its next session in September 2002.


This update will be presented to the Programme Committee in May 2003.

CL 123/11

para. 28

The Evaluation of the Special Programme for Food Security

The Committee requested a follow-up report at its May 2003 session on progress made in implementing the SPFS and in introducing the many positive changes that management had referred to in its responses to the report.


A report on follow-up action will be submitted to the Programme Committee in May 2003.

CL 120/14

para. 45

Evaluation of FAO’s Policy Assistance

Regarding the implementation of the recommendations of the evaluation, the Committee requested a follow-up report be prepared for its attention in about two years time.


A progress report on follow-up action will be submitted to the Programme Committee in May 2003.

CL 123/12


para. 57

Thematic Evaluation of Strategy A.3 (Preparedness for, and effective and sustainable response to, food and agricultural emergencies)

  • The Committee requested a progress report in one year’s time on the actions taken in implementing the recommendations of the evaluation.
  • The Committee further requested that the Secretariat prepare a concise paper covering the main issues and lessons on its emergency and rehabilitation activities, to facilitate an inter-governmental discussion on this topic.



A progress report on the implementation of the recommendations and the paper requested, will be submitted to the Programme Committee it its Ninetieth session in September 2003.

CL 121/3

Para. 37

Evaluation Topics remaining for the period 2002 to 2005

The following topics remain from Committee’s recommendations to the Director- General:

I. Topics for Thematic Evaluations Related to the Corporate Strategies

  • Selected Activities in support of Strategy D.1 (Integrated management of land, water, fisheries, forest and genetic resources).

II. Topics for Thematic Evaluations Related to the Strategies to Address Cross-Organizational Issues:

  • Decentralization of FAO's Programme and Services;
  • Strategy for Communicating FAO's Messages.

III. Selected Individual Programmes (including related Field Programme):

  • Programme 2.1.2 (Crops) - covering crop production components;
  • Programme 2.1.3 (Livestock) - excluding animal health;


The disposition of all remaining topics is covered in document PC 89/7, Indicative Rolling Work-plan of Thematic and Programme Evaluations 2003-07, which will be presented to the Programme Committee at its May 2003 session.

CL 123/8

para. 7

New Arrangements for Enhancing FAO’s Presence at Country Level

The Committees requested that the issues raised under this item be addressed in the Evaluation of FAO’s Decentralization Process.


The issues raised will be addressed in the forthcoming evaluation of the decentralisation process to be submitted to the Committees in 2004.

CL 123/9

para. 8

Priority Setting

The Committees in their Joint Meeting agreed that the Programme Committee should review arrangements for priority setting in FAO at its next session.


A paper will be presented to the Eighty-ninth session of the Programme Committee.

CL 123/9

para. 12

Savings and Efficiencies in Governance

The Committees requested the Secretariat to study the possibility of holding Round Table discussions in parallel with the General Debate at Conference, taking into account the specific circumstances of each Conference session.


A paper on this proposal in the context of arrangements for future sessions of the Conference will be presented to the Joint Meeting in May 2003.