CL 124/19


Hundred and Twenty-fourth Session

Rome, 23-28 June 2003


1. Following the adoption by the Conference, at its Twenty-ninth Session, in November 1997, of Resolution 13/97 entitled “Review of FAO Statutory Bodies”, the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic (CECAF) initiated a process of review of its mandate, functions and structure. In particular, at its Fifteenth Session, held in Abuja, Nigeria, from 1 to 3 November 2000, the Committee requested that a Technical Consultation on the Future of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic be convened. This Technical Consultation was held in Lagos, Nigeria, from 27 to 30 November 2001.

2. The Technical Consultation noted that the Committee had been established by the Director-General, on 19 September 1967, under Article VI, paragraph 2 of the FAO Constitution, pursuant to Resolution 1/48 of the Forty-eighth Session of the Council, in 1967. The Technical Consultation also noted that, in November 1992, at its Hundred and Second Session, the Council approved amendments to the Terms of Reference for CECAF and authorized the Director-General to promulgate the amendments to the Terms of Reference. These amendments had been made necessary by a number of developments that had taken place in the fishery situation in West Africa.

3. The Technical Consultation also noted that, since then, further changes had taken place in West African fisheries which should be reflected in the Terms of Reference of the Committee. In particular, the Consultation was of the view that CECAF should be entrusted with wider scientific and technical functions, but these should concentrate on a few key priority areas with regional or sub-regional focus, taking also into account matters falling within the purview of the Regular Programme. The Technical Consultation identified, among these priority areas, resource evaluation and inventory, co-ordination of research activities, development and maintenance of databases and related matters, assistance in fisheries management, advice on monitoring, control and surveillance, especially as regards issues of regional and sub-regional interest. The Technical Consultation proposed that this be reflected in revised Terms of Reference, which it referred for consideration by the Committee.

4. At its Sixteenth Session, held in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, from 22 to 24 October 2002, the Committee welcomed the proposals made by the Technical Consultation. The Committee endorsed the proposed revised Terms of Reference as set out in the attached annex and recommended their adoption.

5. The Council is invited to review the proposals in the light of the recommendation made by CECAF and, if it is so decided, to authorize the Director-General to promulgate the revised Terms of Reference of the Committee under the terms of Article VI, paragraph 2 of the FAO Constitution, pursuant to Resolution 1/48 of the Forty-eighth Session of the FAO Council.




The purpose of the Committee shall be to promote the sustainable utilization of the living marine resources of the area defined under paragraph I above, by the proper management and development of the fisheries and fishing operations.

To this end, it shall have the following functions and responsibilities:

  1. to keep under review the state of these resources and of the industries based on them;
  2. to promote, encourage and coordinate research in the area related to the living resources thereof and to draw up programmes required for this purpose and to organize such research as may appear necessary;
  3. to promote the collection, interchange, dissemination and analysis or study of statistical, biological, environmental and socio-economic data and other marine fishery information;
  4. to establish the scientific basis for regulatory measures leading to the conservation and management of marine fishery resources, to formulate such measures through subsidiary bodies, as required, to make appropriate recommendations for the adoption and implementation of these measures and to provide advice for the adoption of regulatory measures by Member Governments, sub regional or regional organizations, as appropriate;
  5. to provide advice on monitoring, control and surveillance, especially as regards issues of a sub-regional and regional nature;
  6. to encourage, recommend and coordinate training in the priority areas of the Committee;
  7. to promote and encourage the utilization of the most appropriate fishing craft, gear and techniques;
  8. to promote liaison among and with competent institutions within the sea area served by the Committee and to propose and keep under review working arrangements with other international organizations which have related objectives within that area, insofar as the Constitution, the General Rules, regulations and facilities of the Organization permit; and
  9. to carry out such other activities as may be necessary for the Committee to achieve its purpose, as defined above.