CL 124/INF/3


Hundred and Twenty-fourth Session

Rome, 23-28 June 2003



CL 124/1-Rev.1

Provisional Annotated Agenda

CL 124/1-Add.1

Addendum to document CL 124/1

CL 124/2-Rev.1

Appointment of Representatives of the FAO Conference to the Staff Pension Committee

CL 124/3

Summary Programme of Work and Budget 2004-2005

CL 124/3-Corr.1

Corrigendum to document CL 124/3

CL 124/4

Report of the Joint Meeting of the 89th Session of the Programme Committee and 102nd Session of the Finance Committee
(Rome, 7 May 2003)

CL 124/5


CL 124/6

Report of the 64th Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems
(Rome, 18-21 March 2003)

CL 124/7

Report of the 25th Session of the Committee on Fisheries
(Rome, 24-28 February 2003)

CL 124/7-Add.1

Addendum to document CL 124/7

CL 124/8

Report of the 16th Session of the Committee on Forestry
( Rome, 10-14 March 2003)

CL 124/9

Report of the 17th Session of the Committee on Agriculture
(Rome, 31 March– 4 April 2003)

CL 124/10

Report of the 29th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) (Rome, 12-16 May 2003)

CL 124/11

Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board to ECOSOC and the FAO Council on its Activities in 2002

CL 124/12

Arrangements for the 32nd Session of the Conference

CL 124/13

The Number and Length of Terms of Office of the Director-General

CL 124/14

Report of the 89th Session of the Programme Committee
(Rome, 5-9 May 2003)

CL 124/15

Comparative Study of Staff Recruitment and Geographic Distribution Practices in the United Nations System

CL 124/15-Add.1

Addendum to document CL 124/15

CL 124/16

Report of the 102nd Session of the Finance Committee
(Rome, 5-9 May 2003)

CL 124/17

Convening of the Global and Regional Meetings of Food Safety Regulators

CL 124/18

Applications for Membership in the Organization

CL 124/19

Amendments of the Statutes of the Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic

CL 124/20

Report of the 103rd Session of the Finance Committee
(Rome, 19-20 May 2003)

C 2003/Series

C 2003/4

Programme Evaluation Report 2003

CL 124/INF/Series

CL 124/INF/1

Provisional Timetable

CL 124/INF/2

Provisional List of Delegates and Observers

CL 124/INF/3

Provisional List of Documents

CL 124/INF/4

Note on the Methods of Work of the Council

CL 124/INF/5

Changes in Representation of Member Nations on the Programme and Finance Committees

CL 124/INF/6

Statement of Competence and Voting Rights Submitted by the European Community (EC) and its Member States

CL 124/INF/7

Implementation of Decisions taken at the 123rd Session of the Council

CL 124/INF/8

Revised Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and Other Main Sessions 2003-2004

CL 124/INF/9

Officers of the Conference and Council

CL 124/INF/10

Report of the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit: Support Costs Related to Extrabudgetary Activities in Organizations of the United Nations System – (JIU/REP/2002/3)

CL 124/INF/10-Sup.1

Support Costs Related to Extrabudgetary Activities in Organizations of the United Nations System – (JIU/REP/2002/3) CEB comments

CL 124/INF/11

Report of the Joint Inspection Unit: Extension of Water-related Technical Cooperation Projects to End-beneficiaries: Bridging the Gap Between the Normative and the Operational in the United Nations System (Case Studies in Two African Countries) – (JIU/REP/2002/4)

CL 124/INF/12

The Reporting Format for the World Food Summit Follow-up (Proposed by the United States of America and Supported by Greece on behalf of the European Community and its Member States)

CL 124/INF/13

Margarita Lizárraga Medal

CL 124/INF/14

Report of the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit: Review of Management and Administration in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (JIU/REP/2002/8)

CL 124/INF/15

Cooperation between FAO and UNESCO

CL 124/INF/16

Report on the Status of Signatures and Ratifications of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

CL 124/INF/17

International Year of Rice - 2004

CL 124/INF/18

Report of the United Nations Joint Inspection Unit: Involvement of Civil Society Organizations other than NGOs and the Private Sector in Technical Cooperation Activities: Experiences and Prospects of the United Nations System (JIU/REP/2002/1)

CL 124/INF/19

Approach and Activities of FAO in Support of Least Developed Countries, Land-locked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States

CL 124/INF/20

Impact of Recommendations from the Technical Committees of the Council

CL 124/INF/21

Composition of the Programme and Finance Committees (proposed by Japan on behalf of the FAO Asia Group and as a Member of the Council)

CL 124/LIM/Series

CL 124/LIM/1

Status of Contributions and Arrears

CL 124/LIM/2

Implementation of the WFS Plan of Action: Report of the Committee on Food Security through the FAO Council to ECOSOC