CL 124/INF/20![]() |
Hundred and Twenty-fourth Session |
Rome, 23 - 28 June 2003 |
1. The reports of the sessions of Technical Committees held earlier in the year – Committee on Fisheries (COFI); Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP); Committee on Forestry (COFO); Committee on Agriculture (COAG); and Committee on Food Security (CFS) – which the Council is to consider at its present session – contain a large number of recommendations and requests, some of which have direct or indirect financial implications.
2. In the formulation of proposals in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget 2004-20051 (SPWB), the Secretariat sought to anticipate, to the maximum extent possible, the outcome of the deliberations of Technical Committees. However, many recommendations and requests made by these Committees would translate into additional activities and outputs, and attendant resource requirements, beyond those presented in the SPWB document.
3. As was done for its session of June 2001, the present information document has been prepared in order to enlighten the Council about the full impact of the conclusions of the above sessions of its Technical Committees, in the expectation that it would find it useful in the context of its discussion of the SPWB. It aims at providing a broad picture of the incremental activities and an order of magnitude of the additional resources needed to give full justice to the recommendations. In some cases, there is expectation that extra-budgetary resources would be forthcoming to meet the additional requirements. While falling somewhat beyond the scope of this information document, they have been indicated for the sake of completeness.
Recommendation (from Report) | Paragraph No. | Additional Outputs Implied | Programme Entity Reference |
Incremental Resource Requirements for 2004-05 (US$ 000) |
Convene a Technical Consultation at FAO Headquarters in Rome in early 2004 to review progress and promote the full implementation of the IPOA-IUU and the IPOA-Capacity. |
23 |
Consultation. |
234A1 |
280 |
Convene a technical consultation to address substantive issues relating to the role of the port State to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing. | 24 | Consultation. | 234A1 | 150 |
Convene Technical Consultation on Sea Turtle Interactions and Conservation. | 25 | Consultation. | 232A4 | 100 |
Dissemination of information on measures adopted by regional fishery bodies relating to deep sea fisheries. | 26 | Enhanced information collected and disseminated. | 234S1 | 25 |
Study or convene Expert Consultation on Standardization of Data Formats and Procedures for MCS. | 29 | Expert consultation. | 233S1 | 70 |
Convene Expert Consultation on Eco-labelling with a view to elaborating guidelines on the subject. | 39 | Consultation aiming at inernationally agreed guidelines. | 234P3 | 222 |
Capacity building and institutional strengthening for WTO multilateral trade negotiations. | 40 | Workshops and technical guidelines. | 233A4 233A5 |
200 |
Studies on alleged link of fishmeal for animal feed and BSE. | 41 | An updated report on fishmeal and BSE. | 233A5 | 10 |
Improvements in customs classification codes or fish and fishery products. | 42 | Technical guidelines on improved custom classificaiton. | 233A5 | 10 |
Work on harmonization of catch certification schemes. | 43 | A harmonized document on catch certification for use by the regional fisheries management bodies. | 233S1 | 15 |
Continue work on FAO-CITES Secretariat MoU and related issues. | 48 | Increased work on monitoring and assessment of fish stocks in relation to CITES. | 232A4 | 200 |
Implementation of recommendations of the First Session of the COFI Sub-Committee on Aquaculture. |
53 |
Technical guidelines for the elaboration of transparent and non-discriminatory
certification procedures; · Guidelines and definitions for aquaculture data collection and reporting and field testing in selected countries; · Promotion of regional and inter-regional cooperation in aquaculture development through south-south cooperation; and · Guideline and Strategy for sustainable rural aquaculture development. |
Support to NACA type arrangement in the Americas and Pacific Islands. | 56 | Study and Workshop on NACA type arrangement in the Pacific islands. | 232P1 | 60 |
Increased support to promoting aquaculture in Africa. | 57 | Support to integrated irrigation and aquaculture in Africa. | 232A2 | 100 |
Dissemination of Strategy for Improving Information on Status and Trends of Capture Fisheries. | 65 | Ensuring wide distribution to Members and interested stakeholders. | 234A1 | 50 |
Accelerate work in relation to the impact of subsidies on fisheries resource sustainability and sustainable development. |
71 |
Technical Paper on impact of subsidies. |
234P2 |
146 |
Convene Technical Consultation on Subsidies. | 73 | Consultation aiming at agreed expert statement on the impact of subsidies in fisheries. | 234P3 | 358 |
Develop an adapted ecosystem approach to fisheries toolbox on small-scale fisheries. | 90 | Enhanced analyses and monitoring methodologies for small-scale fisheries. | 232A5 | 200 |
Undertake a range of additional activities to better incapsulate an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF). |
93 |
Assessment and monitoring of EAF impacts. | 232A5 |
130 |
Intensify collaboration with regional fishery bodies on EAF. | 93 | Technical assistance to member countries and regional fishery bodies on EAF. | 232S1 |
170 |
Implementation of strategy on status and trends reporting. The Committee stressed that high priority should be given to capacity-building and the provision of technical assistance to developing countries, as emphasized in the Strategy. | 104, 63 and 64 | Workshop to be held in conjunction with the 21st Session of the CWP to plan regional implementation of the Strategy concerning capacity building for data collection (with a particular emphasis on small-scale fisheries). |
231S1 |
100 |
Maintaining the Fisheries Library. |
104 |
Assistance to developing countries to disseminate grey literature on fisheries and aquaculture in digital format using standard methodologies to enrich FAO and other library collections. |
231P1 |
60 |
3,256 |
Recommendation (from Report) | Paragraph No. | Additional Outputs Implied |
Programme Entity Reference |
Incremental Resource Requirements for 2004-05 (US$ 000) |
The Committee recommended that FAO Regional Offices be strengthened to more effectively support the Regional Forestry Commissions. | 10 | Expanded support to countries in implementing sustainable forest management and building networks. |
244S1 |
900 |
The Committee recommended that FAO should take the lead in providing support and increasing focus on policy and technical advice to countries on implementing IPF/IFF proposals for action and that it continue its efforts to build capacity in member countries in this area. The Committee requested FAO to be more proactive in identifying funding for these activities. | 12 | Significantly strengthened field programme and support to capacity building to enable countries to implement sustainable forest management. |
243A3 |
1,200 |
The Committee recommended that FAO enhance efforts to help mobilize resources for countries to implement the IPF/IFF proposals for action. The Committee recommended that Regional Forestry Commissions facilitate the assessment and implementation of IPF/IFF proposals for action. The Committee recommended establishing a small roster of persons in each region who are familiar with the IPF/IFF proposals for action, to assist countries in assessing and prioritizing them, and that FAO provide information on sources of funding. |
13 |
Enhanced support to countries to implement IPF/IFF proposals for action. Establishment of rosters of experts. Mobilization of resources. |
244A |
600 |
The Committee recommended that Regional Forestry Commissions be used to facilitate the flow of information between the UNFF and countries. It also recommended that FAO increase awareness of sustainable forest management in countries. | 14 | Strengthened information capabilities of regional offices. |
244S1 |
200 |
The Committee recommended that FAO explore ways to report on the linkages between forests and water in the FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment and recognized that resources would be needed to collect, compile and analyse such information and data. | 25 | Inclusion of more comprehensive country information about water resources in FRA 2005. |
241A7 |
440 |
The Committee recognized the need for verifiable goals and milestones for reviewing progress and for assessing the contributions of national forest programmes to sustainable forest management. It requested FAO to assist member countries in this regard. |
34 |
Increased assistance to countries to assess and report on the contributions of national forest programmes to sustainable forest management. |
243A3 |
630 |
The Committee recommended that FAO’s programme of work related to forests and climate change be expanded to continue addressing issues identified under the UNFCCC. | 63 | Increased support to countries to meet UNFCC standards. | 241A8 | 200 |
The Committee recommended that FAO provide increased emphasis on socially and ecologically based fire management and foster information exchange, including at a regional level. | 65 | Support to national fire management programmes. | 241A1 | 480 |
The Committee recommended that FAO, in collaboration with ITTO, convene an expert consultation on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. |
68 |
Expert consultation on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. |
241A1 |
80 |
4,730 |
Recommendation (from Report) | Paragraph No. | Additional Outputs Implied | Programme Entity Reference | Incremental Resource Requirements for 2004-05 (US$ 000) |
Increased information, analysis and assistance in developing and implementing appropriate mechanisms for coping with risks resulting from unstable prices and diversification of their (developing countries) agricultural sectors. |
9 |
Analytical studies and expert consultations on basic food
commodities; and · Analytical studies and expert consultations on tropical, horticultural products and raw materials. |
233P5 |
Assistance to least developed countries to identify market opportunities, to build capacity for export and overcome market obstacles. | 9 | Increased technical assistance and capacity building. | 223S1 | 500 |
Improve database, parameters and policy features of the ESC models. | 13 | Improved ESC models for medium-term projections and policy implications. | 223P4 | 100 |
Urged the Secretariat to undertake more analyses of growth prospects of these (developing countries’ agricultural) markets. | 14 | Technical reports. |
223P4 |
50 |
The Committee expressed the need for
continuation of analysis of trends in the composition and direction of
agricultural exports and the major factors underlying their movement over time
... and recommended that the Secretariat undertake further work in the following
areas: i) quantifying the economic consequences of protectionist and trade-distorting support policies ii) identifying winners and losers from agricultural trade
reforms and from the current trade system iv) analysing the effects of market concentration and multinational enterprises and the distribution of gains from trade for a large number of agricultural commodity chains, notably on prices at farm gate and consumer level, and v) the incidence and effects of tariff escalation for value-added products … for developing country exports. |
20 |
Sectoral studies and expert consultations on effect of market structure and supply chains.
… the importance of the FAO trade-related capacity building activities relating to multi-lateral trade negotiations, including facilitating participation of low-income countries in standard setting bodies. | 21 | Capacity-building workshops in developing countries. | PAIA-AWTO 224A2 |
5,600 (extra-budgetary) (same activity as for COAG under para. 20, and CFS under para. 9) |
… the importance of the work of Codex and IPPC … and the need for effective funding of these bodies and capacity building to allow full participation by developing countries in these fora (Codex already addressed in relation to CFS para. 9). | 22 | Participation of developing countries in IPPC global and regional meetings. | 212P1 | 1,500 (extra-budgetary) |
The Committee made a number of suggestions relating to further analyses of … trade (policy) issues (in the context of food security) … | 28 | ·
Country case studies; and · Expert consultations. |
… expressed strong support for the conclusions of these consultations and urged FAO to organize more in the future. | 33 | Commodity-specific studies and conferences/ consultations. | 223P3 223P5 |
50 150 |
9,700 |
(from Report) |
Paragraph No. | Additional Outputs Implied | Programme Entity
Reference |
Incremental Resource Requirements for 2004-05 (US$ 000) |
The Committee indicated the importance of work on transboundary animal diseases and the significant role being played by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division in this context. It was suggested that work on isotopes, for example to improve breeds, had not received the attention it deserved. |
16 |
· In
support of EMPRES/GREP: Training Workshops on rinderpest/PPR and their
differential diagnosis; and · In support of animal breeds: Training on the molecular characterization of indigenous animal breeds. |
215A2 |
170 |
Some Members recognized that Regular Programme funding had not been allocated in the preliminary Programme of Work and Budget for the International Year of Rice (IYR) and appealed for extra-budgetary resources to support this event. |
17 |
Promoting, coordinating and
implementing observance of the IYR through: · Well-targeted information and promotional materials to facilitate observance at all levels, particularly at the national level; · Direct assistance to countries both for immediate IYR observance and to initiate long-term development strategies for sustainable rice production and use; and · Studies on key topics. |
212P5 |
4,388 |
Concern was also raised that there was insufficient Regular Programme funding for the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture acting as the Interim Committee for the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and the Committee appealed for extra-budgetary resources to support this work. |
18 |
Preparations for the 2nd meeting of the CGRFA acting as IC completed, and the MTA for the Treaty’s Multilateral System, its Rules of Procedures, its Financial Rules and Compliance arrangements prepared for the 1st Meeting of the Treaty’s Governing Body. |
210P1 |
746 |
Some Members indicated the importance of work on biotechnology and FAO’s role to be in the forefront of the international public debate on the benefits and risks of modern biotechnology. The Committee requested that FAO give science-based advice and guidance. |
19 |
Technical report on Biotechnology Applications in Fisheries
and Aquaculture; · Expert Consultation on appropriate Applications of Biotechnologies in Fisheries and Aquaculture; · Global Assessment of Biotechnology Applications in Forestry; · Analysis of economic and other factors influencing Biotechnology in the Forestry Sector, including synergies with developments in the crop and other sectors; and · Technical Expert Consultation and Publication on Biotechnology for Livestock Development in Developing Countries. |
Bio- |
195 |
The Committee stressed the need for greater participation of developing countries in the formulation of a rules-based food agricultural trading system, and contributions to the goal of ensuring access of all to safe and nutritious food (cf. also paragraph 22 on capacity building). |
20 |
Capacity building workshops in developing countries. |
5,600 |
The Committee noted that the Joint FAO/WHO Evaluation of Codex Alimentarius and other FAO and WHO Work on Food Standards had been reviewed by an extraordinary session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission in February 2003, and strongly urged that FAO provide its share of the additional resources required for the recommendations to be implemented in full. |
21 |
Further increase in the number of recommendations for
Maximum Residue Levels to the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues; · Additional Codex Sessions; · Establishment of Coordinator and Scientific Committee; · Additional sessions of JEMRA & JECFA; and · Other expert advice. |
212P2 |
162 |
The Committee reaffirmed that priority should be given to capacity building for strengthening national statistical systems and reaffirmed the continued importance of the Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping System (FIVIMS). |
23 |
Increased technical assistance to developing countries; and · Statistical development for FIVIMS. |
222P3 |
500 |
The Committee noted the important role of the Organization in responding to emergency situations and called upon the Secretariat to examine closely the linkages between rehabilitation and development and, in collaboration with the World Food Programme, to improve the methodology for the assessment of food aid needs. |
25 |
Further analytical studies linking emergency operations to
rehabilitation and development; and · Expert consultations and analyses for improvement of the methodology for the assessment of food aid needs. |
224P2 |
1,000 |
The Committee requested FAO to identify and document specific examples where applications of the rural livelihoods approach had led to success in reducing rural poverty. |
46 |
Case studies and synthesis report. |
253A4 |
60 |
The Committee endorsed the concept and further work on the International Portal on Food Safety, Animal and Plant Health, in cooperation with the relevant international organizations. |
56 |
A fully functional and operating Portal, with a maximum number of countries linked to it. |
212P1 |
1,839 |
The Committee noted that such side events, which had involved Members of FAO and of other organizations and non-governmental groups, as well as FAO staff, provided a welcome opportunity for delegates and stakeholders to discuss in a less formal setting a number of important topics and initiatives. It encouraged the Organization to continue to provide a platform for such side events in conjunction with future meetings of COAG, while considering possible improvements in their scheduling. |
58 |
Five side events, with full interpretation and translation of documents. |
210S1 |
15 |
It was agreed that Members of the Committee would meet as soon as possible, to review the Report of the Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation on Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases. |
59 |
One half-day session of COAG, with report to Council. |
210S1 |
72 |
18,096 |
Recommendation (from Report) | Paragraph No. | Additional Outputs Implied | Programme
Entity Reference |
Incremental Resource Requirements for 2004-05 (US$ 000) |
Report on the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on food security in a holistic manner and incorporate HIV/AIDS related key data in FIVIMS. |
9 |
Analytical report; and · Inclusion of an HIV/AIDS module in FIVIMS. |
50 150 |
Document and analyse ways in which trade, including trade distortions, have affected food security in countries and how the potential of trade liberalization can serve as an instrument to promote development. |
9 |
Pertinent analytical reports. |
224A2 |
200 |
Continue to seek extra-budgetary resources for expeditious implementation of the new programme (Umbrella II) that assists developing member countries in their multilateral negotiations through training, analyses and capacity building of institutions and human resources so that they can take advantage of trading opportunities in agriculture, fisheries and forestry. |
9 |
Capacity building workshops in developing countries. |
5,600 |
Analyse the effect of developed countries’ support to agriculture on developing and least developed countries. |
9 |
Analytical report. |
224P1 |
200 |
Estimate the total amount of tariff revenues collected on developed countries’ imports of agriculture, fishery and forestry products from developing and least developed countries. |
9 |
Specific report. |
222P2 |
50 |
Promote the participation of developing countries in Codex meetings through the recently established FAO/WHO Trust Fund for Participation in Codex so that they can participate equally and effectively in food standard setting processes. |
9 |
Participation of members of executive committee in meetings of
the Codex Executive Committee; and · Participation of developing countries in Codex meetings. |
221P2 |
3,300 |
Support capacity building in developing member countries, especially with regard to the scientific, administrative and infrastructure capabilities to deal with food safety, plant and animal health as essential aspects of food security. |
9 |
Enhanced capacity building and technical assistance. |
10,460 |
Strengthen activities of the Sub-Committee on Aquaculture. | 21 | Technical guidance for strengthening national capacity on policy and management practices. |
232P1 |
50 |
Provide technical assistance and guidance to improve the benefits of aquaculture to the poor. | 21 | Related capacity building and technical assistance. |
232S2 |
180 |
Review standard indicators and methods for assessing vulnerability to disasters. | 23 | Revised standards and methods. | 224P2 | 50 |
Analyse the impact of climate change on poverty, natural resources degradation food production systems and food security. | 23 | Specific analytical report. | 224P3 | 120 |
Analyse man-made disasters and their effects on food security bearing in mind that civil strife and wars can be a leading cause of food insecurity. | 23 | Specific analytical report. | 224P2 | 150 |
The Committee expressed its appreciation for the five side events. |
26 |
Side events organized and held. |
224S1 |
15 |
34,505 |