CL 124/13
Hundred and Twenty-fourth Session |
The Number and Length of Terms of Office of the Director-General (Article VII.1 of the Constitution of FAO) |
1. The Council accepted the report of the Group of Friends of the Chair, document CL/124/INF/22, and agreed to transmit the proposed amendment to Article VII.1 of the Constitution that “the Director-General should be appointed for a term of six years, renewable only once for a further term of four years.”, to the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters, at its Seventy-fifth Session, in October 2003, along with document CL/124/INF/22 before being submitted to the Thirty-second Session of the Conference for adoption. Meanwhile, in accordance with Article XX.4 of the Constitution, notice of the proposed amendment would be despatched to the Members of the Organization at least 120 days prior to the opening of the 32nd Session of the Conference.