FC 106/INF/1-Rev.1

Finance Committee

Hundred and sixth Session

Rome, 16 February 2004

Provisional Timetable

Lebanon Room (Room D-209)


16 February 09.30 hrs Item 1
Adoption of Provisional Agenda and Timetable
(docs. FC 106/1-Rev.1 and FC 106/INF/1-Rev.1)
Item 2
Election of Vice-Chairperson
Item 3
Business Process Review: Pilot Financing Paper
(doc. WFP/EB.1/2004/5-A/1)           for discussion
Item 4
Basis for Calculation of Indirect Support Costs (ISC) on Ocean Transport Costs
(doc. WFP/EB.1/2004/5-B/1)           for decision
Item 5
Date and Place of the Hundred and seventh Session
Item 6
Any Other Matters
16.30 hrs Adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee