Delegates and observers are kindly requested to bring their copies to meetings and to avoid asking for additional copies

Provisional list of documents

Official documents
COFO/2016 Report of the Twenty-Third session of the Committee on Forestry
COFO/2016/1 Provisional agenda
COFO/2016/4 State of the World's Forests 2016: Forests and agriculture - land use challenges and opportunities
COFO/2016/5.1 Forests, food security, hunger and poverty eradication: FAO's work on the sustainable development goals and the role of forests
COFO/2016/5.2 Forest-related indicators, monitoring and reporting progress related to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
COFO/2016/6.1 Rev.1 FAO 's corporate climate change strategy and the role of forests
COFO/2016/6.2 Funding opportunities for forests after the Paris agreement
COFO/2016/7.1 Decisions and recommendations of FAO Bodies of interest to the Committee
COFO/2016/7.2 Voluntary Guidelines on National Forest Monitoring
COFO/2016/7.3 Proposal for the Establishment of a Working Group on Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Systems
COFO/2016/7.4 Follow up to the 2nd International Conference on Nutrition
COFO/2016/7.5 Progress report on the implementation of the recommendations of past sessions of the Committee and the Multi-Year Programme of Work (MYPOW)
COFO/2016/7.6 Progress report of the statutory bodies in Forestry
COFO/2016/8.1 Follow up on the outcome of the XIV World Forestry Congress: Achieving the 2050 Vision for Forest and Forestry
COFO/2016/8.2 Strengthening FAO's contribution to the International Arrangement on Forests
COFO/2016/8.3 Hosting the XV World Forestry Congress
COFO/2016/9 FAO’s Programme of work in forestry under the reviewed Strategic Framework
COFO/2016/10 Multi-Year Programme of Work for the Committee
Information documents
COFO/2016/Inf.1 Provisional timetable
COFO/2016/Inf.2 List of documents
COFO/2016/Inf.3 List of participants
COFO/2016/Inf.4 Statement of Competence And Voting Rights Submitted by the European Union (EU) and its Member States
Miscellaneous documents
Report on the 2030 Agenda – report from a WFW event
Unfinished agendas for forests and climate change – report from a WFW event
Summary of Offers to Host the XV World Forestry Congress, 2021/Corr 1
Mainstreaming of Biodiversity within and across Sectors
Recommendations of the Regional Forestry Commissions
Decisions and Recommendations of FAO Regional Conferences of Interest to the Committee
Summary of Offers to Host the XV World Forestry Congress, 2021
Italy’s Proposal to Host XV World Forestry Congress 2021
Republic of Korea’s Proposal to Host XV World Forestry Congress 2021
Invitation to COFO Members
Invitation to non-COFO Members
Invitation to organizations
Progress Report

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