Friday, 20 July
Read the press release on the Forest and Farm Facility Launch of Phase II
Building stronger, climate-resilient farming and forest communities
Millions of small-scale farmers and foresters will be able to better protect their lands from the impacts of climate change, and improve their livelihoods thanks to renewed global efforts announced today on the sidelines of World Forest Week.
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Violin crafted from Brazilian sustainable wood donated to FAO Forestry Department
A violin crafted from wood sustainably produced in Brazil’s Amazon was donated to FAO’s Forestry Department by the Oficina Escola de Lutheria da Amazonia (OELA) for permanent exhibition.
REDD+ and FAO-EU FLEGT collaboration improves governance, reduces deforestation and forest degradation
Improving governance of forests and lands is crucial for many countries if they are to succeed in reducing deforestation and forest degradation, meet their climate change commitments under the Paris Agreement and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Understanding links between forests and water needed to solve water security problems
The complex relationships between forests and water must be recognized and understood in order to solve the world’s growing problems with water shortages, according to a report discussed at an event during World Forest Week.
Watch expert interviews
Watch recorded webcasts

- Sustainable wood for a sustainable world
- Improving governance for reducing deforestation and forest degradation - Collaboration between REDD+ and FLEGT initiatives
- Forest and water on a changing planet: Redefining the narrative
- Forest and farm producer organizations as primary agents of change for climate and resilient landscapes and improved livelihoods