Saturday 6 June 2015, 11:30-13:00, Green Room

High Level Panel
FAO and Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

Capturing new opportunities and strengthening partnerships for concrete actions

About the event: The High Level Panel on FAO and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) will provide a platform to present and exchange views on possible approaches, options and actions that will promote food security and nutrition while also addressing climate change and environmental threats in SIDS. It will discuss ways and means to move forward through improved policy, capacity building and effective and well-coordinated partnerships.

The event will offer opportunities to further define key issues and priorities and to better respond to the needs of SIDS so as to bring together the technical capacity to ensure comprehensive support. This will strengthen the Organization’s work with SIDS and deliver results to achieve sustainable development. Within this context, the objectives of the side event are: (i) to highlight key areas of support and alignment of the priorities of the Samoa Pathway with FAO’s strategic objectives, and (ii) to discuss the way forward – working together in strong and effective partnerships.

In a panel discussion format, the Panel members will share their views on the major themes of climate change, food security and nutrition, Blue Growth, and Sustainable Development, highlighting special regional challenges and needs as well as opportunities for concrete action to support food security and nutrition, followed by discussion. In a second round of interventions, the Panel members will focus on actions and partnerships of global relevance, with particular emphasis on the role of FAO and other development partners in the stride for food security and nutrition for SIDS, followed by discussion.

The High Level Panel on FAO and SIDS will feature the signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding between the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) and FAO.

The event will end with closing remarks by the Secretary General of ACP and the Director-General of FAO.

Provisional Agenda

Aims and Topics:

  • Global Blue Growth Initiative and Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
  • Food Security and Nutrition in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
  • Natural Resources Management and the Environment in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
  • FAO Activities in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)


Responsible office: 



English, French, Spanish

Concept Note: 

Capturing new opportunities and strengthening partnerships for concrete actions

Twitter hashtag:

#UNFAO39; #UNFAOresults; #SIDS