FAO Conference

40th Session
Rome, 3 - 8 July 2017

Addresses and Statements

Statements by Heads of Delegations under Item 9:
"Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security"

The statements are published as delivered and should be treated as Verbatim Records for item 9.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017, afternoon
His Excellency Christian Schmidt, Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture of the Federal Republic of Germany
Son Excellence Monsieur Rakotovao Rivo, Ministre auprès de la Présidence, chargé de l'agriculture et de l'élevage de la République de Madagascar
His Excellency Thani Ahmed Saeed Alshakkay Alzeyoudi, Minister for Climate Change and Environment of the United Arab Emirates
His Excellency Parshottam Rupala, Minister of State for Agriculture Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare of the Republic of India
Son Excellence Madame Jacqueline Sultan, Ministre de l'agriculture de la République de Guinée
The Honourable Viam Pillay, Deputy Minister for Agriculture of the Republic of Fiji
Mr Ibrahim Hameed Al Zubaidi, Inspector-General of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Iraq
Her Excellency Alla Lomakina, Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus
His Excellency Iurie Usurelu, Acting Minister for Agriculture and Food Industry of the Republic of Moldova
Excelentísimo Sr. Don Julio Andrés García Pérez, Viceministro Primero de Agricultura de la República de Cuba
Ms Katalin Tóth, Deputy State Secretary of International Affairs, Ministry of Agriculture of Hungar
Mr Jang Chun Sik, Deputy Director-General of the International Organizations Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Excelentísimo Sr. Don Elías Rafael Eljuri Abraham, Embajador de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela ante la FAO
Her Excellency Terri Sarch, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to FAO
His Excellency Niu Dun, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to FAO
Her Excellency Asmahan Abdulhameed Hezam Altoqi, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Yemen to FAO
Mr Ruve Schank, Minister Counsellor of the Republic of Estonia (on behalf of the European Union and its Member States)
Excelentísima Sra. Doña Mónica Robelo Raffone, Embajadora de la República de Nicaragua ante la FAO
His Excellency Waheed Omer, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to FAO
Son Excellence Monsieur Jérôme Audin, Représentant permanent adjoint de la France auprès de la FAO
His Excellency Gregory French, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Australia to FAO
His Excellency Ofer Sachs, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the State of Israel to FAO
His Excellency Patrick John Rata, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of New Zealand to FAO
Excelentísima Sra. Doña Maria Cristina Boldorini, Embajadora y Representante Permanente Designada de la República Argentina ante la FAO
Mr Gudno Bragason, Minister Counsellor of the Republic of Iceland
Ms Victoria Mushibwe, Chargé d’affaires of the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Zambia to FAO
Son Excellence Madame Lemina Moma, Ministre de l’agriculture de la République de Mauritanie