Digital Agriculture Transformation Seminar

Deborah Romney

Deborah Romney joined CABI's main African office in Nairobi as the Coordinator for Knowledge and Innovation Systems and is now the Global Director for Development Communication and Extension

Deborah Romney has a PhD in ruminant nutrition from Newcastle University and 18 years’ experience of designing, implementing and managing research and development projects in tropical and temperate environments. She previously worked for the Natural Resources Institute (NRI) in the UK on projects in Africa and Asia, before joining the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in 1999. Ms Romney’s research interests evolved from an early focus on livestock nutrition and production into a more general approach to feed resource utilisation and farming systems.

During the past few years, her research interests have focused on understanding how knowledge is generated, spread and utilised.

Deborah Romney previously took on responsibility for developing and managing a portfolio of projects and current remit is to oversee all projects within the Development Communication and Extension theme. She sees her role as championing the innovation systems approach within CABI, working with those already taking on board these new ideas to raise awareness within the organisation.