European Forest Week 2021

Engelberg, Switzerland, 2–6 November 2015

The third European Forest Week was held in conjunction with Silva2015, the Joint Session of the UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry (COFFI); and the FAO European Forestry Commission (EFC). It was hosted by the Government of Switzerland in the alpine village of Engelberg from 2–6 November 2015.

This event brought together stakeholders from forest and non-forest sectors; government representatives and delegations; forest owners; businesses; environmental NGOs; academics and students from Europe, the Russian Federation, Central Asia, the Caucasus and North America. 


  • To raise awareness of the economic, social and environmental values of sustainably managed forests. 
  • To raise awareness that sustainable forest management is key to maintaining healthy, multifunctional and biodiverse forests that provide a range of products and ecosystem services essential to human well-being.
  • To promote forests’ essential roles in climate change mitigation and adaptation.
  • To increase the visibility of the forest-based sector and its current and potential contributions to a green economy.
  • To encourage other sectors to engage in dialogues on sustainable forest management as part of broader land management.

Key messages

 - Sustainable forest management is the key to healthy forests and healthy societies. 
 - Forests are a source of life and help maintain biodiversity
 - Forests provide us with fresh air and clean water
 - Forests help mitigate climate change
 - Forests provide construction material and energy
 - Forests feed us
 - Forests give us livelihoods
 - Forests offer a space for recreation and relaxation