Cumbre Parlamentaria Mundial contra el hambre y la malnutrición

Parliamentarian Friendship League in Japan - Exhibition and seminar on food loss and waste

02 February 2018 21 March 2018
Tokyo Metropolitan Government gears up its effort toward the reduction of food loss and waste
21 March 2018- Tokyo Metropolitan Government organized an event on food loss and waste (FLW), providing exhibition booths for private companies, municipalities, and international organizations to showcase their activities and innovations on this important issue. Toshiko Takeya, member of the FAO Parliamentarian Friendship League in Japan and Leader of the FLW Reduction Promotion Project Team, Komeito Party visited a FAO booth. At the opening ceremony, Yuriko Koike, the Governor of Tokyo, delivered opening remarks and mentioned that Tokyo Metropolitan Government would address the issue of FLW in collaboration with other stakeholders. She was followed by the Director of Liaison Office in Japan (LOJ), Charles Boliko, who outlined the phenomenon of FLW at the global level and called for action in collaboration with Tokyo Metropolitan Government. LOJ’s booth received many visitors  and media attention.  Seminar on FLW organized with the FAO Parliamentarian Friendship League
2 February  2018-  FAO´s Deputy Director-General for Programmes (DDG-P), Daniel Gustafson, provided a keynote speech on FLW in the seminar organized by LOJ with the FAO Parliamentarian Friendship League in Tokyo. The DDG-P exchanged views and opinions with twenty members from all major parties, including the leader of a FLW reduction promotion working group in Komeito Party.