Cumbre Parlamentaria Mundial contra el hambre y la malnutrición

Parliamentarian Friendship League in Japan- Nutrition symposium and Seminar on Responsible Investment in Agriculture

25 January 2018 24 July 2018
Nutrition symposium organized for parliamentarians 25 January 2018- A parliamentary nutrition symposium called “Deliver Proper Nutrition to All Mothers and Children” was held among parliamentarians working for nutrition in Tokyo. Keisuke Suzuki, Member of the House of Representatives and Secretary-General of the FAO Parliamentarian Friendship League, attended as a moderator. Anna Lartey, Director of The Nutrition and Food Systems Division (ESN), gave a keynote presentation on global challenges to tackle malnutrition in Africa and exchanged views and opinions with participants from different parliamentary associations, including the Parliamentary Association for Improving the Nutrition of Mothers and Children. Seminar on Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems  On 31 January 2018, FAO´s Deputy Director-General for Programmes (DDG-P), Daniel Gustafson,  provided a keynote speech in the seminar on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (RAI) and exchanged views and opinions with three guest speakers from Meiji Co., Ltd., a major food company, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT), an academic institution that FAO has a close collaboration with, and the Central Union of Agricultural Cooperatives (JA-Zenchu). Representatives from the FAO Parliamentarian Friendship League and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) of Japan provided opening speeches. More than 60 participants of multi-stakeholders including private companies, universities, civil society organizations, the media as well as the Government of Japan attended the seminar.