Вторая Международная конференция по вопросам питания (МКП-2), 19-21 ноября 2014 года

Argentina’s motto -- “Less salt, more life”

“Less salt, more life” is more than a motto in Argentina: it is the title of a broad-based government programme aimed at food producers and consumers to lower salt intake for better health. The Menos Sal, Mas Vida (Less salt, more life) scheme is seeing Argentine processed food manufacturers voluntarily reducing the salt content in over 500 products, local bakers scaling down the sodium in their bread, and families keeping the salt shaker off the dinner table. At least 30% of people in the Americas suffer from hypertension, in large part due to overconsumption of salt. The result: thousands of strokes, heart attacks, and premature deaths, according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and WHO.

Photo: PAHO/WHO Argentina

WHO: http://www.who.int/features/2014/argentina-less-salt-more-life/en/

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