Colloque international sur le carbone organique du sol


Theme 2 - Maintaining and/or increasing SOC stocks for climate change mitigation and adaptation and Land Degradation Neutrality

  1. Effects of thinning on soil carbon storage in Pinus laricio forest , Adele Muscolo et al.
  2. Family coffee farmers improve mountain soils , Alberto Q. Pascual
  3. C-structure-relations in aggregated soils subjected to different tillage intensity , Anneka Mordhorst et al.
  4. The LIFE CarbOnFarmproject , Riccardo Spaccini et al.
  5. Regenerative development to reverse climate change: Quantity and quality of soil carbon sequestration control rates of CO2and climate stabilization at safe levels , Thomas J. F. Goreau
  6. Influence of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on Organic Carbon Content of Underutilized Vegetable Grown Soils In Southwestern Nigeria , Mary Kemi Idowu 
  7. A novel approach for on-farm assessment, prediction and management of SOC , Vinayak S. Shedekar
  8. Soil Macrofauna and Their Role in Soil Remediation , Mzia Kokhia
  9. SOC sequestration in a 4 year conventional and conservative rotation , Giovanni L’Abate
  10. Enhancing Soil Organic Carbon through Tank Silt Application , R. Adhi Narayanan
  11. Climate and spatio-temporal variations of soil organic carbon in Mediterranean cropping systems and the influence of climate change on soil physical qualities , Anna Pellegrini
  12. Ecological intensification increases soil C stocks via changes in crop residue traits , Ruben Milla et al.
  13. Manure application increased grain yield and SOC across China’s agricultural land , Minggang Xu et al.
  14. Agricultural long-term experiments as a basis to monitor soil organic carbon , Taru Sanden et al.
  15. Agricultural practices that store organic C in soils: is it only a matter of inputs? , Claire Chenu et al.
  16. Carbon sequestration in dry agricultural soils , M. Almagro
  17. Losses and redistribution of organic carbon by erosion in fragile agricultural and restored catchments , Joris De Vente et al.
  18. Enhancement on estimates of organic carbon in Mexican soils , Rosa Cuevas-Corona et al.
  19. LDN? A way forward to enhance SOC storage to mitigate land degradation and climate change – Bhutan , Karma Dema Dorji