
Wednesday 22nd March

Side Event: World Water Day Celebration 2017

The World Water Day, celebrated on 22 March annually since 1993, aims to bring attention to the importance of freshwater and advocate the sustainable management of freshwater resources. The Sustainable Development Goals include a dedicated Water Goal making water a key element of the 2030 Development Agenda. This year's World Water Day theme focuses on wastewater as an untapped resource and the campaign, ‘Why waste water?’ is about reducing and reusing wastewater. Along with other UN-Water members, FAO is actively promoting the importance of safe use of wastewater, in particular in agriculture.

Venue: Sheikh Zayed Center                      Timing: 13:00-14:15

Theme 2: Discussion on the 2nd and 3rd Parallel Sessions

Discussion on the previously presented issues concerning SOC sequestration for climate change mitigation and adaptation and Land Degradation Neutrality, such as land-use change related SOC stock changes and management practices like no-till farming and biochar application.

Venue: Red Room                                      Timing: 16:00-17:15 (UTC +1)