Dialogues Parlementaires Virtuels: Sécurité alimentaire et nutrition au temps du Covid-19

Pays africains anglophones


Date: April 15th, 2021, 12:00 – 13.30 (CET)

Moderator: Mr Jean-Leonard Touadi, Special Coordinator for Parliamentary Networks, FAO

12:00 – 12:05 pm

5 minutes


Ms Marcela Villarreal, Director, Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division, FAO  

Presentation of participants

12:05 – 12:20 pm 

15 minutes

Opening remarks 

Mr Gonzalo Vega Molina, Head of the Department of Cooperation with Sub-Saharan Africa of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID)

12:20 – 12:30 pm

10 minutes

Food security and nutrition and the role of Parliamentarians in developing an enabling policy environment in the time of COVID-19 

Mr Mphumuzi Sukati, Senior Food and Nutrition Officer, FAO Regional Office for Africa

12:30 – 13:00 pm

30 minutes

Regional Round Table 

Which topics are being discussed in your Parliaments and which measures are planned to face the impacts of the pandemic and to promote recovery from the crisis related to FSN?  

Remarks from Parliamentarians

  • Hon. Fatoumata Njie, Member of the ECOWAS Network
  • Hon. Omar Darboe, Member of the Gambia’s National Assembly
  • Hon. Yousef Alfakhri, Member of the Parliament of Libya and Member of the Pan African Parliamentary Alliance on Food Security and Nutrition (PAPA-FSN)
  • Hon. Maria Elago, Member of the Parliament of Namibia
  • Hon. Dr Mwilola Imakando, Member of the Parliament of Zambia
  • Mr Simon Blondeau, Legal Officer, FAO

13:00 – 13:25 pm

25 minutes

Plenary Discussion 

Question for the debate: 

What role can Parliaments and Parliamentarians play in addressing and mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 on food security, both in the containment and recovery phases? 

13:25 – 13:30pm

5 minutes


Ms Marcela Villarreal, Director, Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division, FAO