Dialogues Parlementaires Virtuels: Sécurité alimentaire et nutrition au temps du Covid-19

Dialogue mondial


Date: 22 September 2021, 2:30 pm - 5.15 pm (Central European Summer Time)

2:30 pm – 2:35 pm

5 minutes

Moderator: Dr Marcela Villarreal, Director, Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division, FAO 

2:35 pm – 2:50

15 minutes

High-level remarks

Dr Qu Dongyu, Director-General, FAO

Mr Antón Leis García, Director, AECID

2:50 pm – 3:20 pm

30 minutes

Opening remarks

Hon. Jorge Pizarro Soto, Senator and President of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament, PARLATINO

Hon. Nguyen Tuong Van, Secretary General of the ASEAN Inter Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA)

Hon. Paolo De Castro, Member of the European Parliament and Representative of the European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition

3:20 pm – 4:00 pm 

40 minutes

Session 1: In the context of Covid-19 and in relation to food security and nutrition which topics are being discussed in your region at parliamentary level?
Considerations and presentation of the results of previous dialogues

Hon. Jihad Al-Fathel, Vice President of the Parliamentary Networks for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa and the Arab World (ASSECAA) and Member of the Shura Council in the Kingdom of Bahrain

Hon. Kraisid Tontisirin, Senator of Thailand

Hon. Jairo Flores, General Coordinator of the Parliamentary Front against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean and Member of the Parliament of Guatemala

Hon. Angelique Ngoma, President of the Cooperation and Development Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie (APF) and Member of the Parliament of Gabon

Hon. Marlene Mortler, Member of the European Parliament and Member of the European Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition

4:00 pm – 4:10 pm

10 minutes

Keynote speaker
What role can Parliaments and Parliamentarians play in addressing and mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 on food security, both in the containment and recovery phases?

H.E. Beatriz Argimón, Vice President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay and President of the General Assembly and the Senate

4:10 pm – 4:50 pm

40 minutes

Session 2: Which measures related to food security and nutrition are being discussed and adopted in your Parliaments to tackle the challenges posed by the Covid-19 and to boost the recovery from the crisis?

Hon. Elena Diego, President of the International Cooperation Commission and Senator of Spain

Hon. Teresa Calix, Regional coordinator of the Mesoamerican Parliamentary Front and Member of the Parliament of Honduras

Hon. Shandana Gulzar Khan, Chairperson of National Assembly' Special Committee on Agricultural Products, Pakistan

Hon. Melissa Hurtado, Vice-Chairperson of the Agriculture Committee, Senate of California

4:50 pm – 5:05 pm 

15 minutes

Plenary discussion

5:05 pm – 5:10 pm

5 minutes

Final considerations

Dr Marcela Villarreal, Director, Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division, FAO

5:10 pm – 5:15 pm

5 minutes


Ms Beth Bechdol, Deputy Director-General, FAO