Les droits fonciers et de pêche 2015

Pre-World Forestry Congress regional meeting on people and forests to empower community leaders

24 June, 2015 - More than 70 local community members, CSOs, NGOs, UN and government representatives will come together in Bangkok, Thailand, for a Pre-World Forestry Congress regional meeting on people and forests (8-11 July). The overall aim of the Pre-WFC regional meeting is - through a participatory process in the lead up to WFC - to empower community leaders from the region to develop their own messages and presentations on why forest decision-makers should invest in them. This process will help to put people at the heart of the World Forestry Congress (WFC) by ensuring that the voices of local community members themselves are conveyed at the Congress.

For more information and to download a flyer, see: http://www.recoftc.org/events/pre-world-forestry-congress-regional-meeting-people-and-forests

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