FAO in Afghanistan

Reliable access to water strengthens farmers’ commitment

Abdul Jamil in his agricultural land. ©FAO

Abdul Jamil, 51, a hardworking farmer from the Sofi Khil village, Chak district of Maidan Wardak Province, had been struggling for years due to the deteriorating state of the canal that supplied water to his agricultural land.

Before the FAO’s intervention, the canal was wasting a significant amount of water, was at risk of being washed away by floods and was unable to provide adequate water supply for his crops. Disputes among farmers regarding water distribution added to the challenges he faced, resulting in reduced yield and a constant source of frustration.

FAO rehabilitated 2.1 Km of the canal, effectively supplying water to approximately 12 hectares of agricultural land. The canal is the main source of water for the entire village, addressing the water scarcity issue that plagued the community for years. The impact of the FAO’s intervention has been life changing for Abdul.

"Thanks to FAO, my fields are now flourishing with abundant crops, and my worries about water scarcity and disputes are a thing of the past. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of this transformation and witness firsthand the positive impact it has had on my livelihood and my community." Abdul Jamil said with a smile on his face.

Abdul Jamil and his fellow farmers had the opportunity to contribute to the project during the construction phase, providing them with much-needed employment. This additional income has not only improved their standard of living but has also reinforced their commitment to the farming profession. Farming remains his sole source of income, and with the support of FAO, he can now envision a brighter and more prosperous future.

This vital irrigation project funded by the World Bank aims to uplift communities, enhance agricultural practices, and improve the lives of farmers while simultaneously generating employment opportunities for residents. By doing so, this initiative is laying the groundwork for a more sustainable and promising future in Afghanistan.