FAO in Afghanistan

Triumph Unveiled: The Remarkable Journey of the Pozalich Irrigation Canal in Ghor Province, Afghanistan

Mr. Shir Khan, a Mirab of Pozalich canal, stands next to the newly constructed irrigation structure designed to nourish the agricultural lands in the area. @FAO copyright

The rehabilitation of the irrigation canal in Firuzkoh district, situated in Ghor province, a transformative project brought hope and prosperity to the local farmers. The Pozalich canal, spanning a length of approximately 20 kilometers, had been the lifeline for the agricultural community, supplying water to nearly 1 400 hectares of farmland and serving many households with a total number of 14 000 beneficiaries. However, for years, it was plagued by various challenges that hindered the farmers' ability to make a decent living from their land.

Before the rehabilitation of the canal, farmers encountered multiple challenges that significantly impacted their livelihoods. Heavy floods frequently devastated the canal and surrounding agricultural lands, leaving the farmers in distress and causing substantial losses. Every year, they had to invest a significant amount of time and money to clean the canal, which was not only financially burdensome but also physically demanding. The high costs of canal maintenance made it difficult for the farmers to afford.

The insufficient water supply for their crops was another major hurdle the farmers had to overcome. Water wastage and seepage along the canal's route further exacerbated the situation, leading to significant losses in water resources. Additionally, the lack of proper irrigation infrastructure, such as intakes, further hindered their agricultural productivity.

Recognizing the dire situation and the potential for transformation, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) intervened to assist both the farmers and the communities. Through the dedicated efforts of FAO, the problems faced by the farmers were addressed systematically, leading to a remarkable turnaround in Firuzkoh's agricultural landscape.

The rehabilitation project commenced, breathing new life into the canal and the hopes of the local farmers. The project involved extensive renovations and reinforcements of the canal's infrastructure, making it more resilient to floods and other natural challenges. Innovative water conservation techniques were introduced to reduce wastage and seepages, ensuring that every drop of water reached its intended destination.

As the project took shape, the positive impact on the farmers and the entire community became evident. With a reliable and well-maintained irrigation canal, the farmers no longer feared the destructive floods that once devastated their crops and livelihoods. They were freed from the annual burden of cleaning the canal, allowing them to focus on farming and enhancing their agricultural practices.

With a stable and sufficient water supply, the farmers experienced a boost in agricultural productivity. The increased water availability led to higher crop yields, resulting in a surge in production and providing a much-needed economic uplift for farming families.

Mr. Shir Khan, the Mirab and farmer of Pozalich canal, spoke about the significant challenge faced by their community, which revolved around the cleaning of the canal and water distribution during cultivation seasons. Disputes over water allocation were a constant issue and proved to be time-consuming. However, since the rehabilitation of the canal, the situation has dramatically improved. The disputes regarding water distribution have been resolved, and the canal now efficiently carries a sufficient water flow, adequately irrigating the land. This positive change in the community is attributed to the successful construction of the canal.

Moreover, the rehabilitation of the canal also created job opportunities for about 200 residents. The influx of jobs not only improved the financial conditions of these individuals but also had a positive effect on the local economy, driving growth and development.

In conclusion, the revival of the Pozalich irrigation canal stands as a remarkable success story. Through the combined efforts of the FAO and financial support from the World Bank, the once-troubled canal has been transformed into a symbol of optimism and prosperity for the farmers in the Firuzkoh district. The revitalized irrigation system not only addressed longstanding challenges faced by these farmers but also established the groundwork for a more thriving and self-reliant future for the entire community. The triumph of this initiative stands as an inspiring illustration of how strategic investments in agricultural infrastructure can bring about substantial positive transformations in the lives of rural societies in Afghanistan.