FAO in Afghanistan


10 May 2023
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has warned of a large-scale outbreak of the Moroccan Locust across eight provinces in North and Northeast Afghanistan, the country's wheat basket. The sightings of locust at different development stages have been made in Badakhshan, Badghis, Baghlan, Balkh, Kunduz, Samangan, Sar-e-Pul...
29 March 2023
The people in Sayed Khel district of Afghanistan’s Parwan province, north of Kabul, are employed mainly in agricultural farming and are casual labourers. The major source of water for irrigation in the district, which is surrounded by mountains, is now that slowly melts during the spring and summer months. However,...
06 March 2023
The successive drought in Afghanistan has resulted in constrained access to food and income for most rural families with agricultural livelihoods. An increase in the frequency and intensity of drought in the recent years has forced many farmers and herders in the north-eastern Sar-e-Pul Province to deal with constant and...
05 March 2023
Afghanistan once had more than 450 000 ha of pistachio trees. Around 40 percent of this has been destroyed due to war and poverty. Over-exploitation of pistachio trees, overgrazing, unsustainable harvesting, and the limited number of rehabilitation and restoration initiatives have contributed to large-scale deforestation of pistachio trees across the...
28 February 2023
Located in the north-western part of Kabul Province, Guldara District has had low levels of agricultural and livestock production in part due to lack of water for irrigation. In the past, residents in Asiab Shahi area of the district invested more than 100 000 Afghanis (around USD 1 125) and...