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EMPRES Contingency Planning Seminar


Proposed solutions

1. Effective locust outbreak and upsurge control is difficult to organise and implement.

1a. improved detection methods (research)
1b. in-country exercises and practice (PPDs)

2. The capacity for providing accurate information and forecasts by FAO DLIS is inadequate given there is only one full-time officer.

2. increase DLIS staff (FAO)

3. Reporting and data interpretation by locust affected countries is deficient.

3a. on-the-job training of national Locust Information Officers (DLIS/EMPRES)
3b. designate national Locust Information Officers (PPDs)

4. Better planning for locust control campaigns is required at national and international levels.

4a. draft national contingency plans (participants)
(1) develop a checklist for guidance (EMPRES)
(2) review draft contingency plans (EMPRES)
(3) hold a national workshop to agree upon the draft (PPDs/EMPRES)
(4) revive the national steering committees (PPDs)
4b. develop an international contingency plan (FAO)

5. Centralisation of decision-making is essential for effective locust control.

5. centralised locust units are encouraged (FAO/ELOs)

6. Decision-making tools are needed to help in preparing contingency plans.

6. modify and make available existing tools to PPDs (Symmons/van Huis)

A service provided by the Migratory Pests Group to monitor the world-wide locust situation and keep
affected countries and donors informed of expected developments.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Italy

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