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EMPRES Contingency Planning Seminar: Photos (click to zoom)




Finding and treating a hopper patch: can this be done?



a simulated 1 sq metre hopper patch made from gravel (37K)
searching and treating
a hopper patch

Spraying a hopper patch: is a handheld Microulva or a Herbi sprayer better?




Dr. Symmons demonstrating the use of the Herbi handheld sprayer (30K)
using a Microulva to spray a patch of vegetation with simulated locust collectors (27K)
using a Herbi to do the same thing (25K)


Marking and spraying a 1 ha hopper band: how long does this take and is spray coverage adequate?




organizing the marking and spraying of a hopper band outlined in gravel (30K)
flagman guiding the field officer who is doing the spraying (31K)
spraying the last part of the band (28K)

The principles of ULV spraying



demonstrating the collection efficiency of a flying locust (32K)
ULV spraying demonstration in the field (29K)

ULV block spraying: can blocks be delimited?



field team for delimiting a block of hopper patches (30K)
determining how to delimit the block from the results of searching for hopper patches (30K)

Comparing different plague control methods: what is required and what can be achieved?

Organizing and implementing a plague campaign




using a computer spreadsheet to compare different control methods (26K)
prepositioning available pesticide and vehicles in a mock campaign (23K)
reading the daily information and carrying out the mock campaign (25K)


A service provided by the Migratory Pests Group to monitor the world-wide locust situation and keep
affected countries and donors informed of expected developments.

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, Rome, Italy

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