Saudi Arabia

Scattered adults resulting from limited breeding during the spring were treated by ground teams near Qunfidah on the Tihama of Saudi Arabia in May and June.


Similar control operations also continued in northern Oman. Hoppers and immature adults on the Batinah Coast began to gregarize as vegetation dried out in May and ground and aerial teams treated 4,000 ha. This left only low numbers of locusts present in the Region. In June, a cyclone brought widespread rain to Oman and Yemen and initiated the upsurge.


Immediately after the cyclone, two generations of locusts bred in Yemen both on the southern coasts and in the interior. By July, hoppers and fledglings were gregarizing and forming bands and groups in Lahej Governorate. Ground control operations were initiated. In September and October, second generation hoppers were gregarious and adult groups were forming throughout the infested area. Control against immature adults ended in early November. Over 17,000 ha were treated in Yemen between July and early November 1996.


Although a mature swarm was seen in the Sudan near the Chad border in mid July, summer breeding was on a limited scale. Ground teams treated only 120 ha of hoppers and adults in the Nile Valley in July.


November 1996 - May 1997 details